The Official Community Mod List
- Mods are also available via the Steam workshop here: - Enabling & disabling mods requires a restart.
- Use mods at your own risk!
Greenheart Games is not responsible for the contents of mods. Mods may corrupt your save files or do other harm. Use them at your own risk! Since mods can introduce severe bugs or data corruption we cannot offer user support when mods are in use.
Useful Links
- Mod F.A.Q. - Official Modding F.A.Q
- Mod Spotlight - Game Dev Tycoon Mod Spotlight #1
- Help for Mod Authors - Official Mod Code Error Thread - For Mod Authors
**Notable Mods
In the below section you will find a list of the most notable mods created by trusted authors. These mods have been play tested over time by the community and are supported by the mod authors.
Overhaul Mods
This section contains mods which add & tweak everything. These are content booster packs offering many extra hours of gameplay and tweaking the base game. Often highly configurable but check the individual mod pages for requirements and options!
Title - Camelot Expansion Pack by @SirEverard
Link - [WIP] Camelot Expansion Pack -
*Packed full of features! here are just a few, Extended Game, UI Improvements, Misc Story Events, Game Engine Details & many, many more. *
Title - Expansion Pack for Game Dev Tycoon by @DzjengisKhan
Link - [REL] Expansion Pack for Game Dev Tycoon
This adds plenty of new topics, consoles, events, custom computers, custom prices and much more that makes this mod a great content booster pack!
Title - CM Pack by @snowyterrorgami
Link - [REL] The CMPack (Installation tutorial Included!)
The modular design makes this mod stand out from the crowd. Choose one or all to enhance your gameplay experience; Topics, Platforms, Events, Researches, Achievements and Over Power.
Cheat Mods
This section contains mods which allow you to cheat.
Title - Cheat Mod by @kristof1104
Link - [REL] Cheat Mod by kristof1104
The very best way to cheat! Want more money or research? Its just a button click away. Also a great way for mod authors to test their mods efficiently.
Topic Mods
This section contains mods which add new topics or tweak existing ones!
Title - WUTE: The Ultimate Topic Mod by @wimali
Link - [REL] WUTE: The ultimate topic mod (ranges from 5-50 topics! 50+ more planned!)
Adds over 100 new & fun topics! A great standalone mod for users who just want more topic choice!
Platform Mods
This section contains mods which add new platforms or tweak existing ones.
Title - Platform Randomiser Alpha by @Macha
Link - [WIP] Platform Randomiser Alpha 0.0.5
This Randomises the success or failure of different consoles. Highly configurable aspects including; sales, lifespan & audience. This can provide a more challenging experience!
Title - Super Consoles Mod by @Haxor
Link - [REL] Super Consoles Mod []
Adds many consoles, topics, events & research items.
Tweak Mods
This section contains mods which tweak vanilla gameplay.
Title - Expansion: Tweak Mod by @alphabit
Link - [WIP] Expansion: TweakMod - 0.3.1
Adds lots of gameplay related tweaks allowing you to cheat āhonestlyā & focus on improving some areas of the game while letting you decide how you want to tweak your gaming experience.
Title - Anytime Vacation by @Darkly
Link - [REL/WIP] AnytimeVacation [1.0.2]
Send your employees on vacation whenever you want to!
:lantern: Aesthetic Mods
This section contains mods which add visual improvements, such as user interface improvements & achievements.
Title - Ultimate Achievements by @SirEverard
Link - [REL] UltimateAchievements - Released 1.0.0
Lots more achievements which were suggested by the community.
Title - Info & Stats Expansion Mod by @alphabit
Link - [WIP] Expansion: InfoStatsMod - 0.4.2
This adds additional information & statistics screens for various game aspects.
Title - Percentager by @SirEverard
Link - [REL] Percentager 1.0.0
A highly requested mod that adds a % amount to the time allocation in the development stages.
Comms, Multiplayer & Co-op Mods
This section contains mods which were created to allow for a more community based game experience.
Title - Chat Mod by @Zeratul
Link - [REL] Chat Mod for Game Dev Tycoon
This allows you to chat to any & all users of this mod via a neat scrolling message box.
Title - GDTMP - Multiplayer Mod by @Darkly
Link - [WIP] GDTMP - Multiplayer Mod [Client 0.5.11, Server] (Now in 10 languages!)
The often requested, much loved multiplayer mod! Including a client & server application that allow you to connect to each other, share your stats, chat, sabotage and more.
Modding Tools:
This section contains mods which are either required for other mods to work or assist the user experience in an indirect manner.
Title - Ultimate Suite - Ultimate Lib by @alphabit & @SirEverard
Link -
Many mods are designed on this framework. Making this a āRequirementā for that mod to run correctly.
Title - Ultimate Suite - Ultimate Mod Editor by @alphabit & @SirEverard
Link - [REL] [Tools] UltimateSuite - UltimateModEditor []
The Ultimate Mod Editor offers a visual āNo code neededā opportunity to create mods.