I`m having issues with some topics too, but i think that happens when two mods add the same topic, and then you research the topic, but the other is unlocked, and the first topic became impossible to research.
Suggestion: Disable the mod who adds the second topic (the researched one) research the first one and then able the mod again.
I don’t know if that’s your problem @yutterh, but i`m having it
@Tyler_Moore, if you maybe create a beta of your mod, could you leave be a tester?
Okay, but if someday you create a beta; remember me 
I have been having some problems with UME, I am pretty sure my test of my new update was because of an error with platforms, so my new update will be delayed.
This is pretty much finished, their wont be much updates anymore, as I only intended it to add a couple things on my mind.
I am planning a new update to refresh this mod, I love the support you guys have all given me. I mean I have achieved over 800 downloads on my mod. This is crazy for me. So I will be making a new update containing some of the suggestions I have been given.
I haven’t dissapeared I just different interests right now.
1700 downloads. this is too much for me
Small update coming in about an hour!
EDIT: Of course I have to screw something up. Accidently overwrited my backups and files. I will have to redo eveything from scratch.
Update Complete Download is ready.
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Forgot to say but this mod required UltimateLIb
Steam workshop transition is in the works.
Alright everyone. I have been recieving multiple reports that the Camelot Expansion Pack is conflicting with my mod. I have not been able to find a solution. I really need help. I have reached out to @sireverard, however I recieved no response. As of now you will either have to choose between Camelot or my mod.
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Hey @Tyler_Moore,
Sorry I have not been around so much lately, been very busy working plus I have just moved etc, have not had time to work much on any modding stuff in a while.
Where have you contacted me though? Did you PM me somewhere or leave a comment?
I can’t find anything from you.
Anyway, shoot me a PM on here about the conflict and I will have a look for you 
Speak soon,
I swore I PMed you, but whatever.
It wasnt an incompatibility with your mod at all it seems. People need to start a new save if they install it and they already have existing saves without the mod.
Well, I am not sure if this mod works anymore, I have lost the files due to a boot sector virus.
##No longer use this mod, it is outdated and will corrupt your save!##