Hello, people of the Greenheart Games forum.
I have come with a new mod a few helpful testers and i made called The Features Mod.
It is a mod made with UME and a medium mod.
Currently it is in beta.
It adds:
9 consoles (The Test Console, The MESO, The MBOX 3, The Elnucks (Turbunto OS), Laptop, The Overdrive, The MBOX 4, The PlaySystem 6 Gold and The PlaySystem 7)
8 topics (sandbox, doctor, game editor, board game, console dev, reearching, flying and website dev)
25 events (for the MESO, MBOX 3, Elnucks (Turbuntu OS), Laptop, Overdrive, MBOX 4, PlaySystem 6 Gold, PlaySystem 7, 3 hardware researchs, 8 engine researches and 5 RnD researches)
7 achivements (Best Man-Power, Harder! Stronger! Faster! (others are hidden))
[The Features Mod: 0.0.1 alpha][2]
[The Features Mod: 0.0.5 beta][1]
[Are you looking for pre-tfm beta…?][3]
0.0.1 alpha
-First alpha version
-Added 2 more topics, while being the last version adding topics
-Added 1 more achivement
-Added 16 researchs added in total(5 engine researches, 2 hardware researches and 5 RnD researches)
0.0.5 beta
-It is no longer called ThePlatformMod because it has more than only platforms
-Added 3 consoles
-The last beta version
-Added 5 topics
-Added 3 engine researchs
-Added 5 achivements
0.0.4 beta
-Added an achivement (Harder! Sronger! Faster!)
-Added a topic (game editor)
-Added a new computer (The Elnucks (Turbunto OS))
-Added an event for The Elnucks (Turbunto OS)
0.0.3 beta
-Added a Achivement: Best Man-Power
-Made the MBOX 3 actually after the MBOX Next
-Added a custom description for the mod
0.0.2 beta
-Added an event for the MESO
0.0.1 beta
-Release to public
-The MBOX 3 now uses a different picture than before
-The MESO is now released later, instead of its release at the start and retirement at the end
-Added the topic Doctor
-The MBOX 3 now has sales
0.0.0 test
-Start of testing
All testers will be given the beta code and if they fixed/added/removed etc something, than they shouldnt hesitate to ask so i can look at what they have done. Also, there will be 10 testers, including me.
[3]:[REL] ThePlatformMod (outdated, 0.0.4 beta)