This post was last Updated on August 12th, 2014
This post was created on February 9th, 2014
Welcome to the official UltimateModEditor part of the UltimateSuite thread on the Greenheartgames’ community forum.
This project has been founded and is maintained by @alphabit and
##Vote for your favorite feature##
What features are important to you? Choose and vote for one of the listed features and it will considered for the further development.
Vote for your favorite feature.
#Ultimate Suite for GameDevTycoon#
The Ultimate Suite is a bundle of components and tools aimed to simplify and extend the development of expansion modules for the game “Game Dev Tycoon” by Greenheart Games.
##Ultimate Module Editor (UME) for GameDevTycoon##
The UME (Ultimate Module Editor) is a Windows compatible professional IDE application that aims to simplify the creation of Game Dev Tycoon expansion module by using a visual approach and by providing the necessary tools and options that allows to generate the necessary module code without writing any line of Javascript.
The application development is progressing quite well and there are plans to release many exciting new features in the future, as long as the community response makes it worth to invest our time in the development of UME.
** Latest Introductory Tutorial **
System Requirements
Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8
Libraries: NET Framework 4.0
For usage on a Mac:
Install and run Windows using a dual-boot approach (like Bootcamp) or a virtual machine software like Parallels.
See for more information.
Release notes:
The application is written in C# using Visual Studio 2013 and the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.
UME is closed source and the source code of this application will be therefore not made available to the public. The usage of the software is however fully free.
By downloading, installing and using the Software you also agree to comply with the Greenheart Games Modding Agreement.
##Share your work##
Have done something using UME? A module? A let’ use or tutorial video on youtube?
We would be happy if you share it with us and we will add you to the official UltimateSuite ModList.
Official UltimateSuite ModList
**Shared UME Videos **
Developer notes:
Ultimate Library for GameDevTycoon, Ultimate Module Editor for GameDevTycoon are developed by Francesco Abbattista and Chad Keating.
The development of this tool is the result of the motivation and inspiration of a wonderful community and all the great people that I meet here everyday. Without this great game and without your motivation, I wouldn’t have any reason to develop UME. This work is for giving something back and express thankfulness for this game and this community!
Thank you.
Let me also especially mention some people, without them this wouldn’t be possible:
@PatrickKlug @DanielKlug
the developers of this outstanding game thanks for supporting the UME project
the fairy
friend, daily inspiration and an important part of this project FA/CK ;- )
friend and constant inspiration (although he calls me a slacker : P)
inspiration and developer of the mod which accompanies me whenever I develop something for GDT
@DzjengisKhan @LineLiar
makers of the one and only expansion pack, inspiration and my GHG buddies
@Resinex112 @KizzaGaming @snowyterrorgami @maxedoutgoku @Tyler_Moore @Deathhood98 @ProbNightmare @GDI121 @WaveJones @apljee @BiggerBenHD @Sirmaniu @AnthonyVGNerd @Rex0099 @wimali @Zoe @Aswin_Vos @Alan_C_Ghizzi @Triopticon
our fellow UME testers
And last but not least, all the people who uses UME and motivate me everyday to continue to work on this project.
Main Features
- New, Open, Save Project
- Generate, Validate and Build Code to a ready-to-deploy-and-use package
- Topics, Engine Researches, RnD Lab Researches, Hardware Lab Researches
- Events and Notifications
- Achievements
- Integrated Picture Management
- Easy to use use interface
- Built-in hints using tooltip hints on almost every UI element
- Automatic and manual application updates, with alpha, beta and stable version support
- Import and Export of each project item
Change Logs
Current known problems
- none
Changes you can expect in the next release
- Bug fixings
- Special Researches (?)
- Publishers (?)
**Planned things for future version(s) **
- Option to use random generated Platform name in module
- Option to use random generated Platform Company name in module
- Visuals (i.e. Rounded Borders, Custom Fonts) (*subject to change)
- Unlock achievements by naming a game (thanks to @supersamuel)
- GitHub upload and readme editor, for uploading modules and projects directly into GitHub (thanks to @GGVAC)
- Create additional achievement criterias
- UME Item Online Sharing
- Automatic Update Notification Integration
- Custom Genres (thanks to @Lordpotato)
- Allow changes to existing data (vanilla stuff) (thanks to @darthvesta)
<img src="/uploads/default/2116/a4e915afb2fc249e.png’’>
##Support us##
We have put a lot of effort into this work and hope that you will find it useful.
If you like our work and would like to support us, express your thankfulness or simply want to make us a joy, consider buying us a beer or a coffee
A huge thanks to all who supported us financially