[Game] Hardware Tycoon

its just that it goes from free to play to paid game so i hope its going to be worth it

It hasnt gone from anything. Its a remake.

what do you mean by remake? i was talking about that you started off saying that it were going to be free but changed it to be a paid game :confused:

I said that in the beginning, but frankly I cant make a game like that. I wont have a motivation, thus I wont develop a lot. If you think its bad that its paid, check your Steam library. All those games costed money, all those games were played. They deserve the money. So do I if you play my game.

thats not what im talking about but nevermind no reason to discuss that

Probably necro’d… soo [GAME IDEA] Project: Console Dev Sim [HIATUS]

Was this necro’d?
I wanna help if it wasn’t


Just thought I’d mention :wink: Also, (thanks to @janch32 for the shadow effect)

All made in wonderful nwjs!

I’m gonna have to do a strawpoll again, as I struggle to focus on one project when I have no flying idea what people want :slight_smile:


DANG IT i thought we could still alpha test guess i was like a year late


Linux, my friend.


… you make it with something that supports Linux? Those Visual Studio noob tools only work on Windows because Microsoft.

I would recommend you work on government…

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Scrapped that, again. I have done a lot of things, and had a lot of working demo’s. But guess what - no-one likes any of them and thats why I end up switching ideas all the time.

Woahhhhhh. I want the feature in GDT to be more expansive, and this is making my dream come true.

But @Stian, you’re not angry or something?

Whaddumean? Because your game only supports Windows? I don’t care about that, as I didn’t like SystemZ :stuck_out_tongue: (not meant offensively, its great work! But I didn’t like it)

So… Does this mean that Hardware Tycoon is… Alive? :open_mouth: @Stian
