[WIP][REL] Financial Services [1.0.1]

For the past week I’ve been working on combining the National Bank and National Stock Exchange modification into one modification: the Financial Services modification. Not only have I combined the two existing mods by rewriting the whole code, but I’ve also added a couple of new features.


  • [u]Bank Account[/u]: You are able to deposit and withdraw money to a bank account, upon which you will receive a yearly interest, which will be compounded every quarter (meaning the interest for a year will be divided and paid every quarter).
  • [u]Bank Loan:[/u]: You are able to loan money from the bank, upon which you will have to pay interest. Loans will be paid off every year for 10 years, although it is also possible to repay the loan and interest in one go. The amount of which you may loan up to is determined by your credit rating.
  • [u]Credit Rating:[/u] The credit rating determines the amount of what you may loan from the bank. The credit rating of your company is determined by the amount of capital (cash and bank deposit) your company has and the level which you are currently in (level 1 being the garage, level 4 being the final stage with R&D and hardware lab). There are currently 6 credit ratings: C, CCC, B, BBB, A, AAA. More on what these credit ratings mean is explained in the game in the menu "Credit Ratings Information".
  • [u]Sell Shares[/u]: You are able to sell your companies shares to investors. Currently is it only possible to sell a maximum of 1 million shares, however this may change in future updates by implementing events that will change this number. The value of each share is determined by numerous things: the company's credit rating, the amount of employees, the amount of games created and the level you are in. After selling shares, you will have to pay dividend (20% of yearly profit) every year.More information is available in the game in the menu "Shares Inforrmation".
  • [u]Buy Securities[/u]: You are able to invest in securities in order to raise funds. This, however, does not come without a risk: it is possible that you will loose a lot of money by investing. Currently it is only possible to invest in four securities: Gold ETF, silver ETF, brent oil ETF and National Stock Exchange Index ETF. The way the prices fluctuate is entirely random, however the price of certain ETFs rise quicker than others. More information is available in the game in the menu "Information" in the Buy Securities tab.

This modification is not compatible with the National Bank and National Stock Exchange modification, thus these modifications must therefor be disabled.

UltimateLib is NOT required to make this modification work.


Planned features:

  • Add more securities to invest in.
  • Events to change the interest rate and/or maximum amount of shares allowed to sell.

Known bugs:

  • Selecting the input field does not always work. I have no possible explanation as to why this is, but to work around this press on any buy/sell/information button and exit the information/error screen.
Availability This modification is available to download from the Steam Workshop by searching for Financial Services, or by clicking here Users who do not use steam may download it from here (SendSpace) (1.0.0)


  • Prevented the securities from reaching 0. Once one security does reach 0, its value will be reset to a set value higher than 0.

This would be an amazing plugin for Multi Dev Tycoon :slight_smile: If you’re interested, we’ll happily keep you updated on the plugin API! :smiley: By the way, awesome work!


Holy cow!
Amazing mod!


nice work! UI wise having sliders (instead of the cumbersome up/down number fields) would probably fit better with the rest of the game. Similar to the Budget slider in the hardware lab…


@PatrickKlug I don’t disagree, however trying to get an exact amount set is easier by typing it out, rather than trying to get it with a slider, hence why I opted for an input field rather than a slider.

@Stian Sure, why not. It’d be a huge puzzle for me figuring it out once you release the API though, I bet :smile:

@Haxor Thank you :blush: