[Talk] Don't stop developing Expansion Pack

Alright guys you’ve converterd me :smiley:
I might get back into modding since I have 2 nice ideas:

  • Custom genres
  • Something like a youtube system

I’m going to play around with some code first so I can’t promise anything :slight_smile:

And thanks for everyone posting in this topic (and say something nice :stuck_out_tongue:). It’s awesome to have such epic fans :smiley:


Hah! Here we go :dancers: :clap:

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great to hear :smile:

Regarding custom genres, here are some ideas: How custom genres might be added


Yeah! I’m waiting anxious for it @DzjengisKhan

Thanks Patrick,

I was actually planning on adding the new weighting by using the 4th option you recommended. Since I already made the basics of it when I was experimenting on the moreRealism mod. :smiley:


A legend is back

Woow a legend?? Really?? I’ve never been called that before :stuck_out_tongue:

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@KizzaGaming Don’t be so creepy :stuck_out_tongue: You should have called him a “living legend:wink: U know, legends are usually long time gone!

just kiddin

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Hmm alright, custom genres is done. Except for 1 quiet anoying bug: you don’t get any tech/design points when creating a game with the genre :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just out of curiosity what ideas do you have for Genre’s? Cause I personally thought they were all pretty well defined >_> I made a topic suggesting adding in a new section called themes. This way some topics can go to themes like medieval fantasy, military. then you make topics like beat’em up and first person shooter. I made a thread with my idea.

here it is if you want to read it. I was thinking of modding it myself but it would take forever since I never used javascript before. With you being the legend, if you don’t think it is possible or too time consuming for you then what chance do I have?


The first genre that I’m going to add will be Platformer.
After I get that one working I’ll see what else I can add ^^

Wow didn’t think of platformer as a genre…gues I just lumped it up with casual >_> So how are you gonna balance it out? I take it is gonna be more design heavy. Hmmm what could be another tech genre? Is platform gonna be the only Genre you add?

Idea: Add Turn-Based to genres

Thats a section of strategy

Yes, it is. I didn’t thought that sorry

Hey @PatrickKlug, I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong but I found something really weird:

While adding a new genreWeighting I noticed that .splice is not working for the platforms. But here’s the weird thing: using .splice is working for everything else. For topics and the stage missions.

Is this a known thing?? And could you or anyone else (like @alphabit/ @SirEverard / @kristof1104)

Thanks in advance :smiley:

When you say that splice isn’t working for genreWeightings do you mean the genreWeightings within a Platforms object?
If so how are you attempting to splice them?

http://puu.sh/6E1Pt/22b0ec1a36.png Seems to work for me?

Another thing to note is that it might be better to just push a new element onto the arrarys rather than splice them. Considering you are going to be adding a genre, so it would be safer regarding your code and how much you would have to change if you kept the order of the genres the same (Even if you do not display them in the same order in the UI)

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Yes that’s the genreWeightings I mean. But I try to add it in the same way you do. Except that I use it in a for loop (so it will go through all the platforms).

This is the piece of code:

for (var p = 0; p < Platforms.allPlatforms.length; p++) {


It’s probably fixed already (needs some testing)

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Looks good, consider adding a log output just for debugging (remove in release):



for (var p = 0; p < Platforms.allPlatforms.length; p++) {

and then you can check the output in the console :smile: