I don’t like it when people gets dissed publicly! There are many different personalities around here, one is more sensible the other less.
In the past there were also creeping stories about young people that couldn’t cope with such a public dissing… the consequence was suicide.
So while @Venomous might have been not that fair in regards of @DzjengisKhan, I don’t think he deserves to be threaten that way.
I like it when a discussion is being hold fair and objective. Sure one can be mad at someone and express his opinion, but it easily can get beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable.
On the other hand I can also see the @Venomous didn’t do that much to clarify this situation.
To me, as experienced developer, the situation is quietly clear: if you publish your code without any kind of protection or restrictive terms, you can expect copycats.
What angers me a bit is the fact that all of us are doing a hard work during their spare time contributing to this community and it would be more than fair to play by the rules in respect to the others.
It’s nothing wrong to take other people’s code and learn / train from it.
It’s nothing wrong to ask for permission to use part of the code.
It’s nothing wrong to share similar ideas.
But if someone declines you the usage of code, you have to accept it and try something else.
@SirEverard has correctly pointed out that there are plenty of untapped ideas. So it would be basically no big deal to find something which doesn’t exist.
When I started here on GHG, I was irritated by @DzjengisKhan’s mod, because I had to use my brain to find out what could be useful for the gamers of GDT. I’ve took inspiration and ideas from others. Everyday learning a little bit more about the game flow and mechanics. I asked permission to use some parts / techniques found in other mods. I credited thus guys in the release of the mods. So, fair play works 
@SirEverard and me would like to publish our UltimateSuite without having to worry about being leaked / copied / hoodwinked. So we follow this discussion with interest, since it will also give us a clear direction on how we will proceed in future with our contributions.
That being said, I hope that in a short term, all of us find back to normality, and that, of course, @DzjengisKhan resumes the development of the Expansion Pack