Refuses to start after installing

I watched a few YouTube videos of this game and then bought it. When I installed it, everything was fine.

However, upon running the game, I was greeted by a white screen, saying:

“This XML file does not appear to have any style information
associated with it. The document tree is shown below.”

The code below says:

<config name="@default"/>

I have looked at the FAQ, and followed all the steps for the white screen. I have set Norton to ‘allow’ Game Dev Tycoon.exe in the Firewall settings, I have set to run this as an Administrator, and I have also launched the game with my internet disconnected.

My PC specs are:

Intel Core i3 M370 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs)
8GB of RAM
DirectX 11
Intel HD Intergrated Graphics (1696 MB)

Please tell me what i’ve done wrong… I’ve bought a game that I can’t even launch. Period.

What Operating System do you have installed? and What version is it the newest one 1.3.9 that you downloaded just checking…

UPDATE: It might be your graphic’s drivers are outdated, please update them in windows update or

That’s my suggestion… for now

I am using Windows 7 Home Premium with 64 bit. I have just downloaded the game right now, so I do think it is the latest version. I’ll check if my drivers need updating…

EDIT: Drivers updated. Same result, except for that the screen goes white for around 10 seconds before giving me the previous result. What have I done wrong?

Hm… Interesting… Funny I’ve the normal firewall that comes with windows 7 but i would trying blocking it and also can you upload/posted a screenshot of the error

dont run in admin unless need to on a non admin account.

I’m the only account on my PC. This is the screen I get:

I really don’t know what’s wrong. I wanna play this friggin awesomely developed game!

I have used Google Chrome to download the installer. Can you please expand on that? I can’t quite understand what you said. I get that you want me to run not in admin mode and block game dev from sending data, but why’d I need Google Chrome for that? :s I’m confused. Sorry.

EDIT: Ran it as normal, set Norton to BLOCK gamedevtycoon.exe. Same result.

EDIT 2: I just had a brainwave. If the reason it fails to run is bad permissions, I’ll install it into a directory with read/write perms.

EDIT 3: That didn’t work. >.>

google chrome has a xml extension and due that the game is like made using a web kit. that is the reason i asked to install to see if it worked. but idk why it’s showing this and i search the forums to find similar results nothing pops up? so @PatrickKlug might need to look into this to find a reason why it does this … so sorry i might have some good information or wrong info. but atleast i was trying to help. hopefully he knows what is wrong wait for his reply.

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:frowning: So I now have to wait until someone who had this probelm and fixed it to see this topic.
I’ve bought this game and now can’t even play it.

EDIT: On the rare occasion that it is just the full game with the problem, i’ll see if the demo works.

EDIT 2: Nope. Same screen.

EDIT 3: Holy! I found a way to make it run! I looked in the modding wiki page, and followed the path to the /temp folder. There was a file called DefaultBrowser, and I launched it. It started the game in google chrome. However, as soon as I exited the tab, it deleted the folder and I can’t get the DefaultBrowser file back. :frowning:

So you have to reinstall that file? o.O

It’s in the temp folder. As soon as you close the game it deletes itself. Plus, the hassle of having to launch the exe, tab out, make my way to the temp folder then open the file is a bit much. I am running it in browser now, and half of the images are missing, the character is invisible and so is the technology and design bubbles at the top.

Hmm, my only suggestion is keeping the game open always :stuck_out_tongue: And if you have Windows 7, just put it on the desktop bar at the bottom left, so you don’t see it always :stuck_out_tongue: I got a creative mind…not good with the “bugs” though but am happy to help.

But that means I can’t turn my PC off. xD
I’ll see how that goes. Any suggestions at all for the lack of images?

If you turn it off at the power button, im sure that you won’t lose those files. I suggest creating a replica of that file into another game folder, thats titled Game Dev Tycoon, so if it deletes one, then you just click the other folder. Not sure if that would work though

I see your idea, that might work. I’m mainly waiting for a dev to give me a proper fix. I don’t want to have a partially playing game. Thanks for your help. :slight_smile:

I understand, oh well, a helping hand is a helping hand :stuck_out_tongue: But if you have to wait a little bit to wait to play, then might aswell try it :stuck_out_tongue: All good :slight_smile:

:stuck_out_tongue: I’m playing it now. Whenever I am researching a new topic I think that the game has frozen for a second because I can’t tell if the character is picking up his notepad on the desk. xD

Hahah I know how you feel, I was like, did the game crash? And then it continued then I noticed the hair scratching and notebook and I was like…ohhhhhhhhh. Hate when it stops during a contract, geez D:

xD That happened. I was 1 off finishing a contract, and the timer ran out. I was really confused. Probably was (like you and I said) him pausing.

I’m gonna be patient and sit this out. Any suggestions from anyone welcome.

Fair enough, its a pain. Good luck:)

I don’t want to stray off topic, as this is a bug post, but I kinda seem to gain a large profit on a game, then spend all of my money on the next one, and it flops. :confused:

I think @PatrickKlug is online, but hasn’t noticed this yet. :stuck_out_tongue: