Portuguese (pt-br) translation

@charlie Good day!

Charlie I think I found a bug in the translation page, because I was translating and noticed that my translations weren’t being registered, the field was blank without text that I had accepted the suggestion or translated normally, in the case @Druida and I agreed on a way to translate more quickly without blocking, and at the time of these translations the @Druida was not translating, only I, to take a test I went until the end of the text, and I tried to translate it backwards, and the text signed up without problems, I believe it could be a bug in some lines, would take a look, the texts so far tried to translate and I couldn’t register were:

Line-1233-Thank you very much! I’m sure our members will love what you have to say.

Line-1234-Sorry to hear that you are busy.

Thank you!!!


Some really strange things are happening, in case the lines 1233 and 1234 managed to register the translation, but I couldn’t yet to line 1191 with the word Detective.
After 1233 line several of the suggestions which I accept as translations they disappear and are not recorded as translations, if I write in the text field and save, sometimes register and in other cases no record, after a while I go again and cadastre and register without problems, and that without the project be blocked, it’s a little weird but the line 1191 persists in not register the translationI asked for the @Druida test, and he had the same problem as me, some translations don’t even register with the project unlocked.

Hey! I have had a fiddle with it and pressed some buttons :smiley:
I think it might be because Daniel changed it so have left a message for him to read this thread.
Hangfire till tomorrow and we will look into it!

I think the translation will finish this week :grin:
we’re going so fast kkkkkkk

Please just make sure to double check quality and the retention of the idioms and humour please :smile:

OK thanks @Charlie!!!

The translation is going well, because we can do a good division of timetables, and both of us working effectively in translation, ta being very fast, even more because it already existed several suggestions too, we’re refining and revising some translations too, and put a bit of humor will be good:), only question, we can test the translation in the game before release there??? To correct possible problems and to improve compliance if necessary!!!

Honestly I am not sure, I will ask Daniel when i speak to him next!

Esta tradução está bloqueada por Alexandre Maier!


@guilherme12 Sim cada vez que eu cadastro uma tradução ele bloqueia por 1 minuto Guilherme, para evitar uma dupla mudança, é do próprio sistema, mas pode continuar a fazer sugestões sem problemas, isso só é valido para traduções diretas, estamos considerando todas as sugestões :), fique a vontade para ajudar !!!

Right. Thanks, Alexandre.

How the translation will be available?

Two things:

  1. Quotation marks (") are most correct in Portuguese rather than apostrophes (’) I would like that to appear on the translation. Because what I see is apostrophe on quotations and this is not aesthetic.

  2. Can I explain my suggestion to have more credence? I just want a more grammatically correct translation (which does not mean a more formal).

Duas coisas:

  1. Aspas (") são mais corretas em Português do que apóstrofes (’) e eu gostaria que elas aparecessem na tradução. Por que o que eu vejo são apóstrofes nas citações e isto não é estético.

  2. Posso explicar minha sugestão para ter mais credência? Eu só quero uma tradução correta gramaticalmente (o que não significa uma mais formalizada).

" is usually used for speech, and ’ is used any other time you need to emphasize something as a separate phrase.

The sign read ‘Fred’s Pies’ and Fred said “Hello”
Although it’s acceptable to use " if you’ve got an apostrophe in the phrase (so the above could be “Fred’s Pies”)

From a strict grammar-police perspective, you should actually use ` (backtick, next to the 1 key) for single quotes, as ’ is an apostrophe.

More in the wiki here;

To change this we would need to hear from a native speaking grammar expert such as a native language teacher or literary author as the misuse of grammar is widespread.

Sorry if I am being gross, but I thought the target of a translation was to make it as natural as possible to native speakers. All grammar books that I have show “ ” in quotations as convention. Nobody in Brazil learn to use ’ on any situation. To reference, here are the rules for the uses of “ ” and ’ (from the website of PUC-Rio about how to write doctorade thesis correctly):

Aspas simples

Utiliza-se em transcrições, realce, citação dentro de citação.

Aspas duplas

Emprega-se aspas duplas no início e no final de uma citação que não
ultrapasse cinco linhas; em citações textuais no rodapé; em expressões
de idioma vernáculo usuais apenas em meio profissional; em termos
relativizados, tais como gírias, apelidos ou com sentido irônico; em
definições conceituais de termos.

Simple quotation mark (apostrophe)

It is used in trascriptions, enhancement, quotation within quotation

Double quotation mark

It is employed in the start and in the end of a quotation that do not exceed five lines; in language expressions vernacular usual only in professional environment; in relativized terms, like slangs, nicknames or with ironic sense; in conceptual definitions of terms.

So if you want the translation to look more natural I and all other natural brazilian gamers would be grateful. This question is so automatic that grammar teachers do not discuss about the use of apostrophe as quotation mark. Here are examples in extracts from virtual newspapers:

This is from Folha de São Paulo as seen on http://goo.gl/ZNuZV4

O secretário americano afirmou que o ditador sírio deve permitir que o
plano seja totalmente “implementado”. “O mundo não vai esperar para
Assad honrar seus compromissos”, afirmou.

This is from Jornal da Paraíba

Segundo a assessoria de imprensa da Anatel, “a Procuradoria do órgão
opôs embargo de declaração contra esta decisão da Justiça Federal”.
Segundo a Procuradoria, o embargo suspende os efeitos da decisão
judicial até o julgamento do mérito.

This is from O Globo as seen on http://goo.gl/Fxjxs3

Acabamos de participar de um festival na Austrália, e o Metallica
estava tocando num palco maior na mesma hora. Ficamos preocupados:
“Alguém vai querer ver nosso show?”. Juro que havia fãs esperando pela
gente — diz o guitarrista Kevin “Noodles” Wasserman, em conversa com O
GLOBO por telefone, fazendo piada da própria condição.

Finally, all these informations are convention, people are used to use double quotation marks (“ ”) instead of simple (’), at least here. The convention of English is to use apostrophe (or backtick, whatever). A loyal translation to Pt-Br should be in accord to what do people think, write and speak. You need to change this and use double quotation marks. Why does Spanish translation use double quotation marks and when I suggest a string with they this is what appears: &#39quot?

Thank you and sorry for the annoyance.

Hey guys! How can I directly help on reviewing translated strings? I saw lots and lots of every sort of mistakes. I would like to repair grammar mistakes, regularity mistakes (these are the most), context mistakes, crazy translation mistakes, fuzzy strings…

I have enough knowledge of Portuguese, great skill, patience and time to review all the strings in addition to good interpretation capacity to know what the original strings want to say. If I get admitted I would apply rigid grammar rules without take out the required informality by the game. I would also reduce big sentences to they fit well in the game (summarize them), trying at my best to keep the original sense and the translating traditions of certain most used terms.

After all this nothing humble show of my skills, I wouldn’t like to declare that I am just 15 years old and the only proof of these abilities that I have are my grades in school. But I am sure that you wouldn’t refuse someone just to be as inexperienced as I, because you are a modern game company blah, blah, blah…

If you don’t want me in your Pt-Br translation team how can I make my own translation for me and for my friends that play Game Dev Tycoon?

By the way, thanks for repairing the question of the quotation marks, now they are accordingly rendered.

You can send your suggestions on strings that you think need improvement
Send to me the numbers when you do it and I’ll give a look on them, better… mark them as Fuzzy so I can see easily.

probably some string has mistakes, once that is difficult to localize without see the game, of course we played the game before but some strings I never see before.

Remember that we didn’t start to do reviews, we’re doing the middle to the end,

Eu estava vendo aqui nas sugestoes e a aspas simples aparecem com um codigo diferente, capaz que a aspas que usamos no Brasil de algum pau na programacao do jogo.

@ToinhoAlam Fala camarada blz, vou digitar em português mesmo heheh !!!

Cara tu pode ajudar na tradução, com certeza pode, não vejo muito sentido em tu criar uma nova somente para você e seus amigos, seria como reinventar a roda, pois já temos uma em andamento e bom andamento, e consideramos todas as ajudas, com certeza sua ajuda será importante, independente de idade ou qualquer outra coisa !!!

Bom nós pegamos a tradução ali por volta da linha 200 e alguma coisa para frente, e ainda não revisamos o inicio, dali para frente que fizemos nossas traduções, sempre usando um bom critério, nem sempre traduzimos ao pé da letra, palavra por palavra, não ha problema em usar palavras diferentes para um melhor entendimento se você não mudar a coerência e indicação da frase, tentando adicionar mais concordância ou humor ao texto.

Bom quanto as aspas e apostrofes, realmente estudei um pouco mais, eu não via muita diferença, mas realmente aspas são mais usadas e apostrofes são mais indicativos dentro de aspas, mas preferi continuar usando as apostrofes pq, já ajudei em outro projetos de tradução,de outros jogos, e teve caso de nós mudarmos para aspas os apostrofes que existiam, e quando fomos rodar o jogo, sabe-se lá o porque deu maior problema no jogo, e não rodava mais, depois de pesquisarmos um monte descobrimos que era por causa das aspas, mudamos tudo para apostrofes e funcionou a tradução, devia de ter algum problema com as aspas na tabela do jogo ou algo do gênero, por isso tivemos que mudar toda a tradução para apostrofes, acho que por isso continuei usando as apostrofes de vez mudar para aspas nesta tradução, claro que aqui estamos diretamente falando com os admins, e uma situação diferente, mas acredito que foi por isso que continuei usando as apostrofes, mas claro podemos rever isso.

Bom o negocio é terminarmos primeiro a tradução crua, e vir refinando e tudo mais, e podemos ver sobre as aspas, tudo pode ser feito, e sua ajuda seria importante, pode nós ajudando de varias formas, desde marcando sugestões, como mesmo nós enviando mensagens privadas, estamos considerando tudo !!!

Valeus camarada !!!


Good day and good week !!!

Only one question, the game supports " normally or only ’ ???

Thanks :slight_smile:


One more thing, I was able to register the translation of detective 1191 line, to be able to register it, I wrote the translation and marked the Fuzzy option, then I went back on line 1191 and saw that the same was registered, pulled out the Fuzzy and saved again, and the word was registered, I think there must be some problem in the translation page, but doing this way worked the register normally :slight_smile: !!!

Thank you!!!