Official Mod Ideas Topic

How about a meta-mod (or API or extension to the current API) that could tell you which mods are being used in each save game? This could be helpful in not corrupting saves with different mods.

After releasing first game, ability to research:

  • sequel
  • multi platform

Extended possibilities:

  • more genres
  • more topics
  • more computers, handhelds, consoles
  • expansion packs
  • remake


  • custom cover image for released games (would present nice in company history)
  • creating custom computer, handheld, console
  • creating addons for consoles (might be also part included with a game)

Please, modders (@Haxor, @SirEverard, @DzjengisKhan, @kristof1104, @Darkly, and others) do these things. If someone do this, i will be the happyest(?) person in the world

Quick question before I continue a mod. Im new to modding…well using ume. But is it bad to use or happen to have the same items of another mod. Aka same topics or research? I would hate to make a mod and not post it if it will upset people cuz I would look as though I stole the idea from them. Thanks

Those platforms(Except 3DS), and Arcade, are in my mod.
But for the rest I would need to read all the GDT code, and I am too lazy…

Hello guys,
I could not read all the previous and hope that someone has already asked:
I think it is extremely necessary that the games followed can store the balances of their predecessors. Moreover, in addition it would not hurt to create profiles to be stored for the balances by type.

It is possible to get it with a mod?
Thx :slight_smile:

I have some ideas, been paining my own mod, but i don’t know sh?! about java c:, it’s in spanish, sory :c, i am argetinian and i writed it like that…

Ideas principales:

Este MOD expande todo el GDT, desde la creación de videojuegos hasta los motores, e incluso
empresas rivales. Mas estrategia, mas inteligencia, mas tycoon.

Companias competidoras y/o proveedoras de software/hardware:

Intel, AMD, Nvidia, ASUS, Gigabite, Corsair, CoolerMaster, Kingston, G.Skill, Razer,
MadKatz, LG, Samsung, Dell, Alienware, Lenovo, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega,
Apple, Seagate, Western Digital, Valve, Phanasonic, Nokia, HTC, Commodore, Treyarch,
Electronic Arts, ActiVision, Maxis, Dice, EA Sports, Blizzard, Konami, Atari, GreenHearth
Games, EVGA, ATI, Oculus, Google, Yahoo, Trust, Qualcomm, JAVA, Adobe, Unity, Frictional
games, Red Barrels, BlackBerry, Motorola, ZTE, Infinity Ward, ESRB, Mojang, IBM,
Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Logitech, Rockstar,

Revistas, canales, companias y sitios web publicitarios o de entrevistas:

PC Gamer, Machinima, Youtube, CNN, 3D Juegos, Meristation, Trucoteca, SitioWeb, Canal de TV,
Revista, Radio, Canal en Youtube, Redes sociales, Ropa, Hardware personalizado, filtraciones, eventos
random (scripts del juego).

Capacidad de personalización del personaje: Pelo, Ojos, Nariz, Boca, Mejillas, barbilla,
orejas, bello facial, musculatura/peso, altura, formato de la cabeza, pies, manos,
pose, caminata, personalidad, preferencias, cultura y pensamiento, color de piel.

Capacidad de creación y personalización de videojuegos:

Crear una descripción, determinar Genero y/o subgeneros, tamaño de el juego, plataforma/s,
publico objetivo, motor, idea principal, expectación a travez de marketing, lugares de lanzamiento,
lenguajes, precio, historia de el juego, campaña, desarrollo de el juego, testear, corregir bugs mayores,
obtener una calificaciónde critica y lanzar.

Condiciones de creación y personalizacion de videojuegos:

No infringir las patentes de otros desarrolladores, no incluir contenido explicito (esta ley puede variar),
pensar MUY BIEN que tipo de juego quieres crear, para quien, y otros aspectos.

Capacidad de creación y personalizacion de motores: (nota: se pueden utilizar motores de terceros
como source, cuake, unity, etc.)

-Assets (Modelos 2D/3D, personajes, texturas, materiales, animaciones, scripts, sonidos)
-Interfaz de Programación (Se pueden utilizar terceras, como JAVA) (Interfaz simple, compleja,
-Renderizado (2D, 3D, 3D Avanzado)
-Objetos 3D (LowPoly, MidPoly, HighPoly, UltraPoly, UltraHighPoly)
-High Order Surface (Opcional)
-Culling (Opcional)
-BSP (Opcional, altamente recomendado) (Brushes/HeightMaps)
-Tesselation (Opcional)
-Iluminación (Pixel/Vertice, dependiendo la calidad de la tecnología del IDP)(Vertex/Phong)
-Light Map Generation (Opcional)
-Texturas (2D/3D, depende la calidad de la cantidad de lados por poligono y viceversa, distintas
calidades como fotorealistica, V7, V6, V5, texturas animadas, etc.)(Se pueden utilizar metodos
de aceleracion como MapeoMip o Texturas Multiples, algunas aumentan o disminuyen la calidad,
otras disminuyen o aumentan tiempos de carga, o el tamaño final de el juego)(Texturas 2D simples,
Texturas 2D medias, Texturas 2D complejas, Texturas 2D avanzadas, Texturas 2D Ultra) (Texturas 3D
Simples, Texturas 3D medias, Texturas 3D altas, Texturas 3D avanzadas, Texturas 3D Ultra, Texturas
3D Estereoscopicas avanzadas, Texturas 3D estereoscopicas avanzadas 2) ( Texturas Animadas bajas,
Texturas animadas medias, Texturas animadas altas, Texturas Animadas Ultra)
-BumpMapping (Opcional)
-AntiAlias (MSAA, FXAA, SSAA, TXAA, SSAA, X2 X4 X8 X16 X32 X64)(Los antialias mas altos
requieren mas memoria de video, ram y procesador, lo cual aumenta los requisitos, se puede
desactivar, pero aumentan los artefactos visuales)
-Stencil Shadowing (Opcional, muchos requerimientos)
-LOD (Muy Bajo, Bajo, Normal, Alto, Muy Alto, Ultra)
-Depth Testing y Sobre Dibujado
-Scripts (PreScripted y VisualScripted) (Comunes, Avanzados)
-Sonido (Sistema EAX, DirectX, OpenAL, Mono, Stereo, 2.1, 5.1, 7.1, 9,1, Digital Sorrund, Bandas
Sonoras, Pistas con Loopping, Voces de Famosos, Doblaje)
-Inteligencia Artificial (NPC’S, inteligencia simple, inteligencia avanzada, Inteligencia con Auto-
Aprendisaje, Inteligencia Realista)
-Soporte multi-plataforma/OS (Windos, linux, MacOS, distintas consolas, etc.)
-Sporte para MMO’S
-Físicas (simulacion de coliciones, gravedad, aire)
-Juego a travez de internet
-Soporte de MODS
-Lenguaje corporal (Simple/Avanzado/Realista/4D)
-Historia (Lineal, Ramificada)
-Mundo Abierto (Primera Generación, Segunda Generación)
-Resolución (Minima, 144P, 240P, 360P, VGA, 480P, HD, 720P, 768P, 1080P, 1440P, 4240P)
-FPS’S ( VSYNC, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 80, 120, 175, 240, Infinitos)

Capacidad de creacion y personalizacion de hardware: (Todas las piezas pueden ser reemplazadas
por piezas propias) (Todo el hardware y software debera tener una garantia de calidad modificable)
(Para la mayoria del hardare se necesita una fabrica especial, como una fundicion de plastico, cobre,
etc., ensambladoras)


-Diseño de la carcasa
-Placa Principal (Asus, Intel, Amd, Samsung, Sony, Microsoft, ATI) (Con sonido e internet integrados)
-CPU (Intel, AMD)
-RAM (G.Skill, Samsung, Corsair, KingSton)
-Targeta Grafica (MicroChip, Nvidia, AMD)
-Almacenamiento (HDD, SSD, WD, Intel, Samsung)
-Refrigeracion (Ventiladores Low-High end)
-Lector (Cartucho, CD-ROM, CD, DVD, Blue-Ray, digital)
-Resolucion Maxima (Standar, 144P, 240P, 360P, VGA, 480P, HD, 720P, 768P,
1080P, 1440P, 4240P)
-Sistema Operativo (Windows, Linux, Linux Based, Full custom)


-Caja ( Semitorres, Torres, Ultratorres, ASUS, CoolerMaster, Corsair, Dell, Alienware)(Gaming, Home,
-MotherBoard (Asus, Intel, Amd, GigaBite, Samsung, EVGA, Ati) (Gaming, Home, Work) (Pueden
incluir sonido e internet)
-CPU (Work, Home, Gaming, OverClocking, Intel, Amd)
-RAM (GDDR3, GDDR4, distintas velocidades y capacidades, G.Skill, KingSton, Corsair, Samsung)
-Targeta Grafica (Hasta 6-way, OverClocking, NVidia, Amd, EVGA, Gigabite, Asus, Ati)
-Targetas de sonido (no se aplican si la placa madre tiene sonido integrado, mono, stereo, 2.1, 5.1, 7.1,
9.1, Asus, Gigabite, Dell, Corsair)
-Targetas de internet (no se aplican si la placa madre tiene internet integrado, distintas velocidades,
Asus, Dell, Gigabite, Ati, Intel)
-Almacenamiento (HDD, SSD, SHD, sistemas RAID y distintas capacidades) (WD, KingSton, Intel,
Samsung, Dell, Corsair, Asus)
-Fuente (semi-modular, fuly-modular, depende la potencia de la fuente de los requisitos de el sistema) (
EVGA, Corsair, CoolerMaster)
-Refrigeracion (distintos tipos de ventiladores, refrigeracion liquida, o ambas, Corsair, Asus, SoundX,
-Monitor (1,2,3,4,5,6+, VSYNC, GSYNC, 3D, Standar, 144P, 240P, 360P, VGA, 480P, HD, 720P, 768P,
1080P, 1440P, 4240P, 30Hz, 60Hz, 90Hz, 120Hz, 210Hz) (Samsung, LG, Dell, ASUS)
-Teclado (Home, Gaming, Work, Iluminacion, Razer, MadKatz, Dell, Alienware, Asus, EVGA,
Corsair, CoolerMaster, Trust)
-Mouse (Razer, MadKatz, Dell, Alienware, Asus, EVGA, Corsair, CoolerMaster, Trust)
-Auriculares (Mono, Stereo, Surround, Razer, Corsair, Sony)
-Sonido (Lg, Samsung, Corsair, ASUS, Mono, Stereo, 5.1, 7.1)
-Sistema Operativo (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Propio)
-Optica (LG, Samsung, One, Dual, BlueRay, CD, DVD, Read-Burn)


-Carcasa (Solo prefabricada, Aluminio, Oro, Titanio, Diamante, Plastico, Silicona FLEX, Grafito)
-Pantalla (AMoled, Samsung, LG, Nokia, 3D, Standar, 144P, 240P, 360P, VGA, 480P, HD, 720P, 768P,
1080P, 1440P, 4240P, 30Hz, 60Hz, 90Hz, 120Hz, Tactil) (1", 1,8", 2", 2,7", 3", 3,7", 4,1", 4,7", 5,6",
5,9", 6", 6,3", 6,7")
-Camara (Carl Zeizz, Sony, Samsung, PureViewNokia, 0,5Mpx, 1Mpx, 2Mpx, 2,5Mpx, 5Mpx, 8Mpx,
12Mpx, 16Mpx, 24Mpx, 36Mpx, 41Mpx, 63Mpx, 88Mpx) (Flash Led, Dual Led, XEnon, Dual
XEnon, Cuad-D LX, Cuad-D LX Color/I) (Zoom Optico/Digital x2, x4, x8, x16, x32, x64, x96)
(Soporte 3D) (Camara frontal) (AutoFocuss)
-Linterna (Quad-Q LZ Color/I)
-Laser (One, Dual Color)
-Entradas y Salidas (USB x1, x2 [Mini, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, Type c], Ethernet, One/Dual External Memory
Up to 256Gb, One/Dual Sim Slot (Nano, Micro), Dual in 3,5 MIC/JACK out, Infrarojos)
-Botones (Teclado Slide Vertical/Orizontal, Botones Tactiles TracX, MPad, Volumen, Encedido/Off,
Bloqueo, Camara/Flash)
-Procesador (Qualcoom, Intel, Nvidia, AMD) (Distintas velocidades)
-MicroChipset Grafico (Nvidia, Adrueno, Qualcoom, Amd) (Soporte Dual)
-Placa Base (Intel, Qualcoom, Nvidia, Amd, Soporte dual, soporte de actualizacion)
-Memoria interna (10Mb, 100Mb, 1Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb, 32Gb, 64Gb, 128Gb, 256Gb)
-Bateria (Samsung, LG, Nokia, 100Mlh, 400Mlh, 1000Mlh, 1500Mlh, 2000Mlh, 3000Mlh, 5000Mlh)
-Sistema Operativo (Android, Windows Phone, Linux Based, MeeGo, Custom)
-Conexion (1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, LTE, UMA, IRDA, DualB, QuadB, Wi-Fi, BlueThoot)
-Parlantes (Mono, Stereo, 5,1, 7,1)


-Carcasa (Solo prefabricada) (Gaming, Work, Home, Music) (Peso, Comodidad)
-Conexion (Inalambrico [Wi-Fi, Bluethoot, Red Local], alambrico [3,5, 2,5, 2, USB]
-Sonido (Mono, Stereo, 5,1, 7,1, 9,1, Digital Surround)


-Estilo (Home, Gaming, Work, MultiMedia, Teclas Personalizables, Modular, Pantalla)
-Iluminación (Blanca, Colores, Personalizables, RetroIluminación Avanzada)
-Teclado (Mecanico, Lap)
-Conexión (USB, BlueThoot, Wi,Fi, Cable de Teclado)


-Carcasa (Home, Gaming, Work, Teclas Personalizables, Ergonomico, Modular, AmDiestro)
-Iluminación (Led, Xenon, Perzonalizable, Logo)
-Modulo detector ( Laser, Rueda, Medio, Medio-Alto, Alto, Avanzado)
-Conexión (Cable de mouse, USB, Multi-Inalambrico)

Sistemas de Sonido:

-Carcasa (Gaming, Home, MultiMedia)
-Sonido (Baja calidad, Media calidad, Alta calidad, Mono, Stereo, 2,1, 5,1, 7,1, 9,1,)
-Conexión (USB, JACK 3,5, 2,5, HDMI, BlueThoot)


-Chipset (Compatibles con Intel/AMD o Propio)
-Nucleos (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32, 64)
-Caché (500Kb, 1Mb, 2Mb, 5Mb, 10Mb, 16Mb, 20Mb, 32Mb, 64Mb)
-Velocidad de Reloj (En Ghz)
-Velocidad turbo maxima (En Ghz)
-Soportes (OverClocking, Dual/Quad, RAM, 32Bit, 64Bit)
-Estilo (Home, Work, Gaming)
-OverClocking (Si/no)

Targeta Grafica:

-Nucleos Cuda ( Cualquier Numero)
-Procesadores (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
-Frecuencia de Reloj (Mhz)
-Frecuencia Maxima (Mhz)
-Tasa de relleno de texturas (GigaTexels/Sec)
-Frecuencia de memoria (Gb/Sec)
-Memoria (Gbs)
-Antialias (Estilos soportados)
-Resolucion Maxima (Digital y VGA) (Coincidencia con resolucion de juego y pantalla)
-Multipantalla (x2, x3, x4, x6, x8, +)
-OverClocking (Si/no)

Placas Madre:

-CPU (Universal/Propio)
-ChipSet (X99, Z87, etc)
-Memoria (x2, x4, x8, x16, x32, x64, DIMM DDR4/DDR3)
-GPU (One/Dual/Quad/Octa, 1Way, 2Way, 3Way, 4Way, 5Way, 6Way, SLI, CrossFire)
-Wireless (Incluido o no) ( Wi-Fi, BlueThoot)
-Audio (Incluido o no) (Placa interna, Mono, Stereo, 5,1, 7,1, 9,1, Digital Surround )
-Estilo (Gaming, Home, Work)
-OverClocking (Si/no)


-Tipo de memoria (Home, Gaming, Work, DDR3, DDR4, DDR5)
-Capacidad (500Mb, 1Gb, 2Gb, 4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb, 32Gb, 64Gb, 128Gb, 25Gb) ( 1x0,5, 1x1,1x2, 1x4,
1x8, 2x8, 4x8, 16x8, 32x8, 64x8, all viceversa)
-Velocidad de reloj (Mhz)
-OverClocking (Si/no)


-Interfaz ( SATA 3, SATA 6, SATA 12)
-Bufer (32Mb, 64Mb, 128Mb, 256Mb)
-Capacidad (500Gb, 1Tb, 6Tb 10Tb, etc)


-Capacidad (Cualquiera)
-Velocidad de lecura/escritura (En Mbs/sec)
-Interfaz (Todas en SSD)

Monitores y Pantallas:

-Estilo de pantalla (Rayos Catolicos, Plasma, LCD, LED, IPS, Normal, Wide, UltraWide, AMoled)
-Resolución (Standar, 144P, 240P, 360P, VGA, 480P, HD, 720P, 768P, 1080P, 1440P, 4240P)
-Frecuencia de actualización ( 30Hz, 60Hz, 90Hz, 120Hz, 210Hz )
-Colores (2, 10, 256, 600000, Todos(+) )
-Soportes (Dual, Trial, Quad, Exa, Octa, VSync, GSync, 3D, Tactil)
-Tamaño (1", 1,8", 2", 2,7", 3", 3,7", 4,1", 4,7", 5,6",5,9", 6", 6,3", 6,7", 7", 10", 12", 14", 15", 18",
21", 24", 32", 41", 50", 64", 82")


-Material (Aluminio, Oro, Titanio, Diamante, Plastico, Silicona FLEX, Grafito, Fibra de Carbono)
-Iluminación (LED, Zenon, Fluorecente, Patrones)
-Estilo y soportes (Ergonomicos, Gaming, Home, Multimdia, Work, Teclas, DualSided, Modular)


-Megapixeles (0,5Mpx, 1Mpx, 2Mpx, 2,5Mpx, 5Mpx, 8Mpx,12Mpx, 16Mpx, 24Mpx, 36Mpx,
41Mpx, 63Mpx, 88Mpx, etc)
-Flash (Flash Led, Dual Led, XEnon, Dual XEnon, Cuad-D LX, Cuad-D LX Color/I)
-Zoom (Zoom Optico/Digital x2, x4, x8, x16, x32, x64, x96)
-Soportes (3D, AutoFocuss, Etc.)


I will write in spanish excuse me if someone don’ t understand me.
Eso son muchas cosas para poner en un solo mod, seria que diferentes personas cojieran ideas i las separan.
Lo de personalizacion de componentes de pc ya hay un mod que lo permite me parece.

I know it’s been mentioned a few times, but I’d like to +1 a multi-topic mod. It would function and appear a lot like the vanilla multi-platform tech, but maybe order of topic wouldn’t matter. I’m not sure how it would work in terms of math. If you average the weights naively you would end up with weird doubles like 0.85, and I’m not sure that GDT is okay with that.

Some people worked in multi-topic mod and (i don’t remember who) give me his work in this idea but to develop this mod require a deep look in the score calculation function and modification it which is a hard work if want to do correctly.

@DzjengisKhan is working very hard in making this a reality. [REL] Expansion Pack for Game Dev Tycoon

My idea it is to create the operating system for computer or mobile, or console.
Example: create a OS for mobile as Android, iOS, Windows Phone

Although I had to put this post in Google Translate to have a chance of understanding it, it appears that you want to be able to participate in other fields of business in Game Dev Tycoon? I’m really not trying to be mean, but…it’s called Game Dev Tycoon for a reason.

I can understand creating custom consoles(a feature already in the game), and although custom PCs and mobile phones are pushing it, I can understand that too. But cameras? Hard drives? There’s probably already a game to simulate that kind of stuff…and if there isn’t, then someone will probably make one eventually. Just know that it probably won’t be in the form of a mod for GDT.

you have Action, Adventure, RPG, Simulation, Stragegy, and Casual.
Where’s Platformer? That’s the main one Nintendo and the early gaming thrived on was Platformer, it should be added.

Ideas for Game Dev Tycoon DLC / Overhaul

You start off doing games alone in your garage, and after quite some time, two of your gaming childhood friends from the neighborhood comes over and asks if they can join with you in developing games 'cause making games was their dream too. You can decline if you want to continue on with the vanilla campaign, but if you agree, the whole campaign is changed.

One of your friends said that you’re going to need a bigger place if you three were to develop a game together, so you move at his dad’s old computer shop. After a few weeks, his dad came over to see how you develop games. After finishing a game, his dad will make comments [give you hints] and tell you about a professional way of developing games.

  1. If you choose “I want to learn more” then you’ll be the first company to ever develop games in a new professional way and gain alot more fan, admiration, and if that game was a big hit, sponsorships.
  2. If you choose “I want to do this on my own” then you’ll continue developing games, until the news reports about a new professional way of developing games. There will be alot of competition, and game reviewers will be more strict on rating games.

Little did you know his dad was a professional programming engineer and computer scientist, and was one of the lead of revolutionizing technology and game developments. Either way, this will change the entire course of your career.

Game Elements
After you’ve learned about the more “professional” way of developing games, development stages have become different. Dad suggests that you assign each person to a specific branch. Luckily, there were 3 Branches and there were 3 persons in your team. You assign each one of them by

  1. Assigning what branch they want to be - they’ll be a lot faster in increasing their skills if you did this
  2. Assigning them on your own - they’ll turn to be great leaders in that certain branch if you did this

The way on how games are develop has been revolutionized, each development stages have been replaced by branches, and each of these branches are made at the same time with other branches, unlike the development stages. There are 3 Main Branches:

  • Technology Branch
  • Game Programming Branch
  • Design Branch

Each branch have their own key elements, and each of them have 3 components.

Technology Branch

  • System Design - Engine, Physics, Mechanics
  • User Interface - GUI, HUD, HCI
  • Tech Programming - A.I., I/O, Computer Language

Game Programming Branch

  • Screenplay Writing - Dialogues, Roleplay, Story/Quests
  • Game Design - Gameplay, World Design, Level Design
  • Script Programming - Software, Application, Programming Language

Design Branch

  • Contents - elements, composition, presentation
  • Visuals - art, visual effects, graphics
  • Audio - music, speech, sound effects

If you chose to let your friends in, at the start of the game, you can only adjust the elements of each branch, which will be prioritized or whatnot.

If you chose to refuse your friends, at the start of the game, you can only adjust the branch itself, which will be prioritized or whatnot

As the game progress, as you get more members/recruit, and as you upgrade your office, only then can you adjust the components of each element of each branch. If you have reached this point of your career, only then will the game reviewers will become strict. This will make the game more challenging. But if you manage to succeed, then you will topple all your competitors, and attract companies doing everything they can to put you down.

Game Competitors

In the vanilla game, the major competitors were Ninvento, Vony, Micronoft, and Grapple. In this DLC, more presence are given towards Publishing Companies, and new competitor - Toggle.

There will also be major companies and publishers such as Ubicroft, Early Access Games, and Gonami. You can offer them Cr. in order to try to buy them out. If you do, they will provide financial support to you as long as they’re in your cape of influence. But be warned, if the publisher gets more famous than your company, they might overthrow you, making it a mistake of having them in your cape of influence.

Game Departments
In the vanilla game, there were only two departments/lab: Hardware and R&D. In this DLC, there will be new departments, companies, and upgrades to the already-existing labs. Doing projects can be done at the same time as long as you keep investing and expanding your labs. Maximum four projects at a time.

Hardware Lab

  1. Develop Consoles
  2. Develop Computers
  3. Develop Hardwares

The Hardware Lab will be upgraded, making it the Tech Lab, and it allows you to:

  1. Develop Gadgets
  2. Develop Components
  3. Develop Systems

Development Lab: (early stage)

  1. Research
  2. Management
  3. Projects

The Development Lab will be upgraded, making it the R&D Lab, and it allows you to:
The R&D Lab will be split into three: the actual R&D Lab, DRM, and Publishing Companies.

  1. Production
  2. Contracts
  3. Industry

The DRM allows you to:

  1. License your game, game engines, and hardwares.
  2. Agreements and Authentications towards games, gamers, or other companies
  3. Anti-Piracy and Code: Grid, etc.
  4. Buy other competitors

The Publishing Company allows you to:

  1. Make Publishing Deals yourself
  2. Manufacturing
  3. Advertising and Marketing, etc.
  4. Buy other publishing companies

All of this will eventually be unlocked as you progress through the game, recruit more members for your team, and upgrade your office.

Game Stages

In the vanilla game, stages are separated by moving/upgrading your office. In this DLC, stages are separated by gaining more fans, credits, and most importantly, members.

Stage 1

At the beginning of the game, you start off with three members - you, and your two childhood friends. You are to assign their roles and plan out how you’re going to develop games. Once in a while, dad visits and tells you some hints and tricks in developing games. Rise of Godovore and Venna
[Unlocked: Game Development Branches]

Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roles
You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Game Programmer
Friend1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Tech Programmer
Friend2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Design programmer

Stage 2

Because of you recent success in the gaming industry, you gained some fans, and some of them e-mailed you and asked if they could join you in developing games because they were retired game developers before and want to redeem themselves. If you choose to agree, after a couple of weeks, they will come at your door and be shocked that you were just developing games in an old computer shop. There was no more space for them to develop games inside, dad comes over and suggests you buy a new office yourself. You have to other choice but to do so. With a new spacy office, and additional members, you are sure to develop games much easier. Rise of Ninvento and Vonny
[Unlocked: Game Development Elements, Custom Engines]

Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roles
You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Game Programmer
FanA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Game Programming Assistant
Friend1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Tech Programmer
FanB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tech Programmer
Friend2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Design programmer
FanC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design Programmer

Stage 3

Because of your continued success in the gaming industry, dad e-mails you and offers a spot for your new office - an abandoned hangar, and suggests you renovate this place into your very own company. With enough credits, you did so, got your own company, and started recruiting more people. Other companies, scammers, hackers, and internet trolls starts to notice you. After the first cyber attack, dad e-mails you and suggests you buy your own security system, to protect you from cyber attacks. One of your friends researched about a Hardware and Development Lab and suggested if they could get one too, and this will help them in making a stand in the gaming industry even more. Rise of Micronoft and Grapple
[Unlocked: Security System, Hardware Lab, Development Lab, Game Dev. Components, Element Specializations]

Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roles
You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Industry Manager
FanA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Game Programmer
RecruitA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Game Programmer
RecruitD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Game Programmer
Friend1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Tech Programmer
FanB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tech Programmer
RecruitB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tech Programmer
Friend2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Design programmer
FanC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design Programmer
RecruitC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design Programmer

Stage 4 (end stage)

You have become a game manager and owner of a big time company, that old hangar before was now a massive-sized industrial building for the sole purpose of developing games. More and more companies are trying to put you down, and sabotage you, forcing you to upgrade your security systems even further. Dad e-mails you recent information about Tech Labs, R&D Labs, DRM’s, and Publishing Companies. You recruit more people in your team. You now have the ability to buy other competitors, and the surprise appearance of a major competitor - Toggle, made your company lose some market share. It is now up to you to outsell Toggle, and be the best gaming and technological industry ever written in history. Rise of Toggle and Publishing Companies
[Unlocked: Heightened Security Measures, Tech Lab, R&D Lab, DRM, Publishing Companies, Component Specializations]

Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roles
You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Industry Manager
FanA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Game Programmer
RecruitA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Game Programmer
RecruitD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Game Programmer
RecruitE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Game Programmer
Friend1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Tech Programmer
FanB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tech Programmer
RecruitB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tech Programmer
RecruitF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tech Programmer
Friend2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Design programmer
FanC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design Programmer
RecruitC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design Programmer
RecruitG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design Programmer

Stage 5 (bonus stage)

You were the most successful industry in the whole world, you managed to buy Vony, Micronoft, and even Toggle, and all other publishing companies. Many recent companies are starting to rise and the whole world is now depending on you for technological innovations. Everything is now up to you.
[Unlocked: Virtual Reality, Robots, Automated Systems, Futuristic Technologies, etc.]

And that’s it for my ideas for Game Dev Tycoon DLC. If someone made this into reality, then that someone is a GOD.
ps. Game Dev Tycoon - I cannot wait for the sequel! 11/10 Nuff said.


EDIT: Sorted ideas into specific mod(s) based on their similarity.

Employees and Character Creation Mod

  • Recruiting more Employees
  • Rename your employees
  • Be able to customize employees like in the character creation
  • More options in the character creation

Industry Mod

  • New Office/Workplace after End Game.
  • Buy other companies and control them manually yourself
    (or just go automatic, but you can still see the actual company making a game, doing something and you can change it, like what you do with your own company)
  • Being able to choose how you want to start your company/industry.
    (for e.g. Develop Games and Develop Consoles / Develop Games and Develop Computers / Develop Computers and Develop Hardwares / Develop Games and Publish Games, etc.)
  • New Departments
    (owning or buying your own Publishing Companies / Platform Developers, etc.)

Game Dev UI
[Optional] Makes days the regular time measurement instead of weeks.
Sales are given each half of a week (scaled)
Adds a mini bar in the corner of your screen that allows you to:

  • Adjust Game Speed into hours, days, and weeks using media controls.
  • Manually pause the game without clicking into anything / going to the menu using media controls
  • A quick save button that saves your game in the assigned slot
  • [Optional] Move the Main menu button into the mini bar
  • [Optional] Manually adjusting the Time Allocation by days/weeks as an optional replacement for the slider

MMO Expansion (and Additional Content)

  • New research in the R&D Lab unlocked after researching Code: Grid and MMO that allows you to patch your MMO Games every week using the Code: Grid function inspired by the Camelot Mod, further increasing the sales and help lessen maintenance costs.
  • New research in the R&D Lab unlocked after researching MMO Patches that allows you to patch your other AAA or Large Games instead of just only MMO’s. (making patches for AAA and Large games works like creating custom engine, but Green Patch Bubbles. more info below [bolded text])
  • New research in the Hardware Lab unlocked after researching MMO Patches in R&D Lab that allows you to develop additional content for your MMO. Additional Contents works like creating Custom Engines, requiring you to research contents and make one yourself by eliminating the required bubbles [Neon/Yellow-Green Content Bubbles], but instead of making a game engine, it increases the sales.
  • New research in the R&D Lab unlocked after researching Additional Content that allows you to research “MMO Remastered” that if researched, the profit of the MMO would not only be based on the sales, but also on the subscriptions of gamers, in-game mini transactions, and if your game is worthy and successful enough, donations and sponsorships from other companies.
  • New research in the R&D Lab unlocked after researching MMO Remastered that allows you to research “Advanced MMO Marketing” that if researched, allows your workers to develop in-game events (works like making an engine, but Yellow Event Bubbles) to further increase income.
  • New research in the Hardware Lab unlocked after researching “Advanced MMO Marketing” that allows you to make physical merchandises to your MMO to boost income.
  • New research in the R&D Lab unlocked after researching Additional Content in the Hardware Lab that allows you to develop game extensions to your game such as DLC’s and Prequels
  • New research in the R&D Lab unlocked after researching MMO Remastered and having made atleast 3 MMO’s that allows you to fix game servers. Fixing Game Servers would force all income and costs on that MMO into a halt, putting it on downtime, while your workers try to eliminate the Maintenance Bubbles to reduce the maintenance cost (works like making custom engine, but Red Maintenance Bubbles) and can finish it any time you want. Be warned, too long downtime of an MMO would make players lose interest into the game, decreasing income.

Game Dev Tycoon Revamped

  • New research in Hardware Lab after researching Custom Hardwares (AAA) that boosts console sales via Custom Hardware, and Custom Accessories for your console.
  • Game Interviewers actually invite you into interviews in an advanced notice [not about when you’re making a game, but when you’ve made a milestone/mark in the gaming history]. Accepting would pause all your company’s activities and would put your character sitting in a couch (same position, like sitting in front of a computer) with the Interviewer in front and typical Social Media stuff in the background. He asks alot of questions and your answers would affect your fans, hype, events, and other stuff in your company. The same happens at the end of the game, and some of it affects your final score.
  • Different Game Reviewers on different platforms with different topics, each of them have their unique tastes but all agrees if whether a game is good or bad. More factors affecting the reviewer score (for e.g. Platform, Engine, Name, Content in each Development Stages, Time between Announcement/Development/Finish/Release, Current Researches, etc.)
  • A never-ending sales on your game. The sales will only decrease and decrease as time goes by, until you make a sequel for it (income for both the game and the sequel) or if a recent trend corresponds to that of the game and if you managed to make it be known again, using G3 or Conventions.
  • Be able to support atleast two consoles at a time, and also never-ending sales. You can manually choose whether or not to take your console down from the market. Developing new consoles do not replace old existing ones.
  • Implement a calendar system and strategically plan your games and future games, and the minimum time requirements for a game to have another sequel / expansion pack. There will also be notifications informing you that you should need to work sooner/now/later or if a a game hit you made is requiring a sequel to be recognized again.
  • Be able to redo a certain part of the game development stage(s) instead of trashing the game completely, further saving credits, time, and trouble of you making the same game over again. The only downside is reduced hype and spend a little more on that certain development stage.

Other Mods:

Compatibility Checker
A mod that checks other mods – their compatibility, and possible errors.

UltimateLib Revisited
A mod that works exactly like UltimateLib, but more updated because @alphabit is gone.


Wow!! These are a lot of ideas XD. I would like to try to do some of this things, but currently i’m out of time .Why don’t you try doing by yourself? It’s not difficult modding Game Dev.

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would love to, but I lack the skills. I even lack the knowledge on those java scripts and stuff.
[still in junior high]

Not a excuse.
We were codin’ some serius HTML in da school bro.
It all started from this…