There have been to understanding, and my lurking skills, that many of you running Linux are having problems running the game.
In this thread I’ll try to compile a list of all the common problems people are hearing about, and the probable solutions to each one.
Disclaimer: Do these solutions at your own risk, I cannot possibly comprehend all the different setups that exist, and that most people’s computers looks and runs different.
This will be a topic about Ubuntu, the most common version I have seen people run on this forum. But the solutions in here will most probably work on other distros, as long as you take into account that the packages you install (such as ia32-libs) may be named differently.
As of this writing, you need support for x32 libs to run the game.
So if you are on an x64 system (found by opening a terminal and typing
$uname -a
Linux openburk 3.5.0-22-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 8 21:47:00 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
x86_64 means that its a x64 bit system, otherwise it would say x86, or x86_32.
So you should install the 32bit libs if you’re on an x64 system:
$sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
Note: when installing the libraries below on a 64bit system you need to tell apt-get to install the 32-bit variant. By adding “:i386” at the end.
$ sudo apt-get install libnss3:i386
$ sudo apt-get install libgconf2-4:i386
Error starting the game
gamedevtycoon: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
You should probably install libnss:
$sudo apt-get install libnss3
Error starting the game
gamedevtycoon: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Install libgconf-2
$sudo apt-get install libgconf2-4
There might be alot of dependencies coming with this, so make sure you really want to do this.
Error while starting the game
gamedevtycoon: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
You should be able to just make a symlink from the original file to the file requsted by the game:
$sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/
If it complains that the file doesnt exist, check the files in /usr/lib/ for any file named, and find the one your system needs/wants.
Error while loading when going from your garage to a larger office:
If you get this in your terminal during the loading:
20720:0429/] GTK theme error: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: “murrine”,
Follow @Pieter’s solution:
For a temporary workaround:
When the game starts the contents are unpacked.
Start the game Ctrl-Alt-F1 to go to the console.
ps ax | grep gamedev | grep working-directory
see where the working directory is
cd working directory
mv images/superb/level2Desk.png images/superb/level2desk.png
Ctrl-Alt-F7 to return to the game
Since the content is unpacked when the game is started this has to be done while the game is running. As soon as you exit the game the temporary files are deleted.
This one apparently works on Mac aswell.
Problem with no sound on the .deb Installer
I havent tested this one myself yet, but apparently downloading the packaged .tar.gz file with the game and running it from that instead of the .deb package supposedly works for some people. If for soem reason you want to use the .deb package, you can try @evilny0’s solution:
"Running Mint 14, 64 bits, kernel 3.7.0-7-generic here.
I didn’t have any sound either with the DEB package. I have sound with the tar.gz installation though. This has to do with, which is installed in /lib by the package. It seems that the executable is looking for it in the same folder the executable is placed.
Creating a symlink to /lib/ in /usr/bin allows to have sound… ugly but hey, it works. I suggest using the tar.gz until the issue is fixed in the package though."
$sudo ln -s /lib/ /usr/bin
Error installing the game
[12055:0430/] PcmOpen: plug:default,No such device or address ALSA lib dlmisc.c:236:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/
This can be remedied by installing libasound2:
$sudo apt-get install libasound2
I hope this will help some people, please post below with newer problems or if you have a better/new solution to a problem and I will update the thread.