Odd Javascript issue in Xubuntu 13.04

I friggin love the game, but once I moved to a bigger office this happened:

Javascript [object Event] (new accounts apparently cant upload images, so i linked to imgur)

How can I get this resolved so I can play this awesome game?

Also, where can I get an update of the Linux Binaries? I am at version 1.3.1

I friggin love the game, but once I moved to a bigger office this happened:
Javascript [object Event] (new accounts apparently cant upload images, so i linked to imgur)
How can I get this resolved so I can play this awesome game?

There is a solution to the crash when moving out of the garage:


I grepped like the instructions told me, but no working directory came up. What should I check now?

You have to be running the game while grepping for the directory.

For me the folder is /tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium… (Linux Mint, working with the unzipped version - no installation)
Maybe check there.

Yeah, I ran that command via cli while the game was on and all I got was this (took out last grep to show you guys what I got incase I am missing something:

ps aux | grep gamedev

The output was

enroxorz 15510 10.6 0.7 522048 27516 pts/0 Sl+ 07:06 0:02 /home/enroxorz/Application/gamedevtycoon/gamedevtycoon --no-sandbox --process-per-tab --allow-file-access-from-files
enroxorz 15511 1.1 0.1 117688 3796 pts/0 S+ 07:06 0:00 /home/enroxorz/Application/gamedevtycoon/gamedevtycoon --no-sandbox --process-per-tab --allow-file-access-from-files
enroxorz 15512 0.0 0.1 120968 6900 pts/0 S+ 07:06 0:00 /home/enroxorz/Application/gamedevtycoon/gamedevtycoon --type=zygote --no-sandbox --no-s
enroxorz 15647 56.9 5.6 1229332 210460 pts/0 Rl+ 07:06 0:09 /home/enroxorz/Application/gamedevtycoon/gamedevtycoon --type=renderer --disable-device-
enroxorz 15664 21.0 3.8 289760 143444 pts/0 Sl+ 07:06 0:02 /home/enroxorz/Application/gamedevtycoon/gamedevtycoon --type=gpu-process --channel=15510.1.1821738017 --no-sandbox --supports-dual-gpus=false --gpu-vendor- iver-vendor --gpu-driver-version
enroxorz 15812 0.0 0.0 9440 952 pts/1 S+ 07:07 0:00 grep --color=auto gamedev

I also tried looking at all /tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.* folders and although they all had temp files, none of them worked…

It got resolved with the 1.3.8 release! YEAY!
