when i click of the Recommended button open a website and than closed the website and than wars the switly luncher downloadet.
the download it worked, i used the .exe file,windows ask me if i die datei wirklich ausfĂźhren, i click yes, nothing
Iâm not sure what the problem is with all this but I am working on a fix.
So yeah, I downloaded the recommended for windows (itâs the swiftly launcher), ran it and it unfocused my explorer window like it ran something and instantly closed it. Tried admin and compatibility - nothing.
my windows 10 say the programm isnât compatible, although i have .net Framework 4.6 because windows 10 have this programm default and i have windows 10, so the requirements! have you another programm what you need?
I think I found the problem so just give me a little.
So I have added a new .dll to all the programs that may fix these bugs.
But you will have to download the launcher again it will not auto update this one time
Still not working.
try to reinstall .net?
Turns out the .net on my computer is stuffed so I have to reinstall windows 10.
Windows reset. .net reinstalled. And still nothing. BTW you can no longer uninstall .net and it comes automatically with Windows.
I have the new version downloadet but dont work it D:
The sourcecode will have lots of errors on it because I was moving a bunch of stuff to different windows. So instead of one window we could have settings and custom code and stuff in there own windows.
I did not quite understand why you have the source code released , should be us to adjust it myself and who so how?
No going open source just means if people want the can take the code and change it or whatever
Are you going to fix the bug where it doesnât work on Windows?
Itâs working for me but Iâm trying to find the problem out. Itâs just hard to commit so much time to these stuff I have my girlfriend to commit my time to not this.
Thinking about looking for someone to join my team and help
Just a few questions:
What is this made from?
Will you release the project file?
What version of .NET do you have.
What other programs do you have that may be compulsory to run your programs?