[WIP] GDTNM / Nepenthe Multiplayer

See mod on Github

GDTNM | Nepethe Multiplayer

GDTMP-compatible multiplayer server implementation on Node.JS


  • Easier development & integration
    Original GDTMP server is written in C++, unlike the game written in JavaScript.
    It’s even possible to integrate this server with web frameworks such as Express.
  • Progressive enhancement
    Server will let know what it supports GDTMP-incompatible enhancements such as network compression and server-side plugins.
  • Cross-platform
    Start this server by editing only config.json configuration.
    Or require() this package and make server on your own.


  • Alpha: 12/19
  • Beta: 03/20



  • Basic server API
  • Chat features


  • Basic API for mods
  • Trading
  • Co-developing games
  • Spying
  • Advanced spying and sabotage
  • Own multiplayer mod


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Edit config.json
  3. Enable logging set DEBUG="gdtnm:*,-gdtnm:socket"
  4. Run npm start

exit it please! I can not wait to play with my friends! Do you have a release date?

This is a GDTMP-compatible server, so you can play with your friends on vanilla server.

I’m going to make GitHub repo for that, so anyone can help with development.

Project is on hold

Aww man that really sucks because i’ve been dying to play with my friends :frowning:

This is a GDTMP-compatible server, so you can play with your friends on vanilla server.