What's in your guys' computers?

good enough for hentai, don’t worry

AMD E2-1800 2-Core 1.7@
AMD Radeon HD 7340 Graphics 512MB
1TB hard drive
4GB RAM (2.7 usable)

what takes ur 1GB


(ik it’s clock speed it’s just 1.7GHz wtf.)

Some people do it like this ‘@’ instead of this ‘Ghz’. Doesn’t matter.

I said

just that it’s kinda rare to find a 2 core with 1.7GHz these days

what I meant by that is that ur cpu is a potatoe

Yeah, I need another vegetable instead of a potato.

broccoli. trust me. 24 fps in movie maker

This is my entire setup, so strap in.

i3 4170 @ 3.7GHz
Gigabyte Windforce GTX 950 w/ 2GB vRAM
MSI H81M-P33
8GB RAM (single slot for future expansion)
Generic as heck mid tower case (functionally unimportant so I skimped)
160GB SSD, 250GB + 500GB HDD (threw whatever I had in to cut costs)
Corsair VS550 PSU
Rantopad MXX Mechanical Keyboard (I live for blue switches)
Trusty ol’ PS/2 mouse
Dell 1440*900 monitor @ 59Hz (60Hz screws the aspect ratio and causes resolution screwiness)
Xbox One Controller
Gioteck headset
USB WiFi Dongle
Windows 10 Pro (+AutoKMS, thanks Microsoft for not letting me use the key I actually bought) & elementary OS
2 Printers (don’t ask)
A Link amiibo
PS4 next to my PC as a semi-joke

Haven’t added a social life yet, working on it though.

I have 4gb ram, an Intel Celeron CPU which has 2.70 GHz and a 64-bit operating system.

Soon I’m getting a system with 3.3-3.8GHz AMD Processor with a geforce 750(?) graphics card and 16gb ram.

ye just get that AMD
altho AMD is AMD so don’t get AMD


Stupid knee jerk anti AMD. GG haxor.

AMD: Price/Overclocking Availability
Intel: Power
Nvidia: Stability/Compatibility

All these companies have their pros m8. (I know Nvidia only makes gpus)

exactly that:[quote=“lilshatespug217, post:52, topic:17545”]
Stupid knee jerk anti AMD.