What is wrong with my game's speed?

When i was making a game, it suddenly made my game go faster in weeks and was ultra fast that i accidentally released my game with 2 bugs still in it. Any clues why this is happening and how i should fix it?

Are you playing with any mods? Next time, assign a category :slight_smile:

Yes. I use GDT Expansion Pack, the GDT API, Competitors Mod and UltimateLib, i dont see those mods could affect anything except for the gameplay.

Any chance that you press the first 5 numbers on the top of the keyboard?


UltimateLib is seriously outdated. I wouldn’t use that if I were you.

True true.

Maybe some modder left the debug code in it that causes that
I think its the competitor mod

UltimateLib has some kind of speed hooking, I would not recommend using it as it is outdated at the moment and will probably never be updated due to their wonderful obfuscation. Apparently they thought that the community shouldn’t be allowed to maintain it themselves.


True true