Typing error: a "minus" sign is missing

“The hints range from ‘+++’ to ‘’…”

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Yeah. That should be “—”

Obligatory :cake: for our best Grammar and typo guy :wink:

I posted this 3 days ago with the source code(this was the reason why the topis is now deleted), and messaged this directly to the developers, the answer is pretty short:

No, its not a bug in the Popup!

peter should be our Linguistics Moderator

The problem is that English is not my native language.
See another topic.
Small use of English change

I can’t decide what correct usage for “we’re” or “we are” .

You’re not? Then why are you so good at checking typos?

Because everyone just cursory reading the native language text, but I have to read carefully to understand. Therefore, I find the errors.

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I’m not a native speaker and i actually cursor read everything… Maybe that’s why i have a typo in my eevry post.