Tyconsole very nice

in English

best console game dev tycoon with various laboratory research topic and unique hardware for it’s tyconsole
10 research
1 in laboratory
1 in hardware
1 console
1 topic

ultimatelib: [REL] [Tools] UltimateSuite - UltimateLib [1.3.4]
and lots of money to buy everything

download the mod: click here
will not regret

hey guy!
So i noticed you also made another topic in spanish (at least i think it’s some variant of spanish), but you could just make 1 topic that’s in english AND spanish (correct me if i’m wrong).

It’s Portuguese :stuck_out_tongue:

at least it’s some kind of spanish variant! :stuck_out_tongue:

Have edited the PT post to include English so will lock this as it is a duplicate. Thank you for your understanding.
You can find the complete thread here;