[TUT] Installing mods on the most recent version

Go to the game and click right click. Go to the Betas section and see if there is the ‘Beta - beta’ selected.

Note: The official version is already pushed.

What about non-steam GDT?

i don’t know where the steam folder is can someone tell me p.s i am on pc windows 7

That’s quite easy.

The default should be:
C:\Program Files\Steam

unless you changed that.

my mods are red? What can i do about this

Make sure u have ultimate lib

I’m having a problem with some mods. The game will show API v0.1.1, UltimateLib v1.3.3 and the Camelot Expansion v0.2.5.2b. But it doesn’t show the others I have put in the folder, Cheat Mod, Infostats mod, Expansion Pack and Tweak mod.

Have I done something wrong? Is there a limit to how many mods you can put on the game? If it helps I am using the Steam version of the game.

Is it the master folder? If it is there is another folder in there.

I put all the mods I downloaded and unzipped into the Mod folder in the Main Game Dev Tycoon folder in SteamApps. (C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Game Dev Tycoon\mods).

What is the other folder I have to open?

For example does the folder say CheatMod-master if it does there is another folder in there.

See the folder called CheatMod in the CheatMod-master folder that is what should be in the mods folder. If you still can not fix the issue I will send you the download without the master folder.

Thanks that fixed the CheatMod one :D. Now I just have to get the others to work.

Do the other ones work in the same way? Infostats mod, Expansion Pack and Tweak mod are the others left.

Edit: Yes it does turn out that is how it turned out. The mods work now. Thanks again for the help, really appreciated.

Since a lot of the earlier info in this post is outdated I will close this topic.

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