The Spam Thread - For Off-Topic Posts

Controversial title? Discuss.

well i guess it aint controversial anymore huh

also not random thread cause nothing in here was random cause everybody had to put some thought into putting it there. some, like a certain someone i shouldn’t name, didnt put MUCH thought in, but it still wasn’t random, just ill-advised and dumb.


We have ENOUGH spam threads, and Individual CAN post on this thread. This is pointless :disappointed:

Actually, the other thread is now dead and Individual is banned for at least 30 days.

Roll on good times <3

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I didn’t even knew that Individual was banned, but i don’t think making a whole new thread is necessary. Does it make sense, or a difference?

"Disgusting behaviour"


Dammit @Haxor!

no, something along the lines of rape jokes

Haxor knows, he just thinks he is funny huh ;p

nekos aren’t funny
nekos are life

Imagine how much better you would be at coding if you spent your ‘neko time’ coding instead :blush:

he could probably fix arkham knight #notquitetopicalatthispoint

He could polly make a new UME! :smiley:


what is up with you and UME
you treat @alphabit like he’s the god of the forum

and yes i know it is broken

I can not remember the last time i mentioned alphabit or the UME other than to say it’s not that broken.

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OK, this has probably been asked and answered, but why is it broken now? I know GDT updated and broke it, but what’s making it unfixable?

Well, Patrick and I asked the same thing. How is it broken exactly?

Does anybody have the source code for UME?

UME loads mods more different than the game.

I use UME mods and I do not experience any errors. What is the error or behaviour associated with UME?