Hello all! I’m here to tell you about a game I’m working on called Super Mario 64 SQUARED! Hopefully you understand the title…
Anyways, the game will be like Super Mario 64 but in an 8-bit fashion and played like the original tetralogy of Mario games with 8 bit graphics… the levels from the 64 edition will be completely remade in 8 bit! Bob-omb Battlefield, Cool Cool Mountain, Shifting Sand Land, and so much more… here is an example of what the graphics will look like.

Obviously there will be some things that will be different, for instance the Bowser boss fights I’ll have to implement differently than the 64 counterpart, along with a few others. But other than that it will be very similar to the original!

Currently I am working on most of the land graphics and the first boss graphics. Because of the inability to transform into “Super Mario” in the normal game, mario will stay as his smaller counterpart throughout the game, unless I change my mind ;). I will add the metal cap, though I’m unsure how I’ll include the wing cap. One idea I had was making the swimming mechanics apply on normal ground, though I don’t know how that would control. The first level I’m actually creating will be Bob-omb battlefield, just because I already have all the music for it and it is fairly simple. Instead of having coins scattered around everywhere I will just have 5 red coins in each level to collect, which will grant you a star. More info coming soon, be prepared!

I have finished the sprite for the outside of Peach’s Castle (for use in the start menu) and King Bob-Omb! Just need to finish a couple things and the way to creating this game shall be paved!
(the in game sprites will appear much larger ;))

I will be posting updates on this page over the development cycle… however long that may be.
If you have any suggestions and/or want to contribute to the project, feel free to comment on the post!


What programming language are you using ? And what kind of help do you need? I may ask the first question a lot to all developers but it really is an interesting question because then I get to see how many developers use a specific language or if they use something else.

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I’m using Multimedia Fusion 2 to create the game, and Piskel to create the sprites. And for the help, I really just need suggestions on what to add xD

Multimedia Fusion 2? Doesn’t ring any bells… I mean, what the heck is that? Something that allows you to make flash games? lol. Anyways for suggestions I haven’t really played SM64 so… Can’t help ya.

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Shouldn’t it be Super Mario Root 64? Because, you know. 8-bit squared is 64-bit.


A drag n’ drop program allowing you to create games.

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Hyped for this!!!111!(Also Ironhax!!)

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Super Mario Root 66

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Looking forward to this! Let me know if there’s anything I can help with!

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You have my attention. If you need help with something, let me know.

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Will do!
Same for @CrumpDev


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Sad how this game has only one developer and he’s getting more support than TV Tycoon. Where is the face palm at when you need it ?

Well I’m not outright lying to people. This game will be free, and I’m willing to give out any info you want to know. I’m also active on my project.

True, I believe you deserve more support than Game Wor(l? idfk)d “Studios”.

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Well thank you, but I do believe that if the development team of TV Tycoon actually was organized and knew what they were doing, they could actually create a decent product. Anyways, try to keep this thread on-topic!


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There it is!

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Unable to find a suitable music file of Dire Dire Docks, along with the title screen, in 8 bit; I decided to create the tracks myself! Feel free to take a listen on Mediafire!

Dire Dire Docks:

Title Screen: wait for demo ; )

The other tracks I am using are from an amazing sound artist, Bulby. He has created multiple chiptune-esk versions of songs from newer games (3D world, Mario 64, etc.) and they are all wonderful. Development is still going smoothly, don’t worry! I can’t really state a definite date of release of the game, but I can say a prototype may or may not show up soon :wink:



Y didn’t Shigeru hire you yet

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