Store Manager Tycoon

They, I mean it, the one program I know thinks its running on Linux. If it detects Safari, then it’s a Mac.

Results = Programs will fail to load.

even games.

Not only roblox. Ghost Recon Online updates via IE, no matter which browser is default.

@kingofblox360 I hate firefox also

can we just talk about this on a new topic… we are getting offtopic here… :fearful:

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Here you go

Ok guys, lets get down to business!
I’m going to make a custom engine (attempt, anyway)

If i do succeed, the game will be remade with this engine.
(i figured a modding system was near to impossible with construct 2).

The engine will be made open source if i succeed, it may also lead to me making other games in the future.
although… i am only 14 and not sure if i can pull this off, as tbh it isn’t really a realistic target for me, but we can dream right!

I am going to release roadmaps at the end of each month at
I will also focus on overcloud, witch will be developed alongside whatever the engine is called.

Updates will also be posted on twitter: (ColdCloudGames)

– Extra info –
If i end up making anything worthy of professionalism, i’m going to buy a domain and hosting to make a more professional website.

i also get demotivated and busy easily


Note - i have registered, i’m setting up a website on it

Okay, just a little thought - how will you make this engine? And why do you make a new engine? :stuck_out_tongue: There’s so many free and open-source already made, and I doubt you (or I for that matter) will ever get to wrap our heads around vertex arrays and frame buffers.

Cause he want to delay release date (or something).

@Jakub c2 has it’s limits as far as “modding” was concerned

@Stian i don’t even know atm. this won’t be the new cryengine though XD. it’s 2D, animated sprites etc. not your super amazing 3d super 1440p shiznick. and tbh i don’t even think i can do it, but you have to aim high.

But as @Stian said, you can use one of ready engines, i’m sure at least one supports “modding”.

And btw, Construct 2 supports modding just fine. There is a magical thing online called documentation… :wink:

@Stian are you sure, because the most i saw about modding was manually executing a JavaScript function.

Yes I am sure. You are aware that “manually executing a JavaScript function” can mean a lot, right? That can mean creating a brand new platform etc.

@Stian i meant as in typing it in to a textbox and pressing a button manual.

How about reading a file? :smiley:

@Stian i checked around tutorials, forums ,addons etc. it had nothing about reading files other than jsons and xml

c2 can also read css, php, mysql.
you can execute js or write addon for c2 (also js).