Steam menu can't be opened

I can’t open the steam menu when the game is paused(e.g. when in-game menu or a development stage windows). I can only open when the game is actually progressing in time.

Many thanks for taking the time to give us feedback!

I have created a report for this so we can investigate it. Have some :cake:

i stolen the :cake: and replaced it with a :heart_eyes_cat: perverted cat

yea i just tried looking at the achievment in the steam community by pressing shift+tab awhile in esc menu and now its frozen its stuck and i cant hit the save button and i did right after creating a hit game that gave me 10 million dollars which is very good for being in the first office

@Logan_Leq I actually doubt that you got 10m from a game in the first office, but whatever.

@topic: I can open and close the Steam menu perfectly, but it sometimes appears for no reason (I did not hit the shortcut to open it!).

why not 10m? once i got 8 or so mil from one game while in first office :slight_smile: and that’s before steam version…

ok not 10 million but pretty close i dont like going into second office untill awhile

I can’t open whole menu at all. I have checked settings and restarted game, but still doesn’t work. That also causes that I can’t get achievements for Steam, because it doesn’t show popups.

We are investigating this guys and are very sorry for this inconvenience.
I have tested using Alt + Tab and that works smoothly so i use that to chat while in game (steam chat)

I have the same problem like vixon.
And I can’t close the Steam menu when the game pauses while the Steam menu is open. I have to alt+tab out and back in then the menu close.

Well i actually got 11M in the first office. :slight_smile:

This should be fixed now :smile:

hey guys, just made an account to post, this

not sure if its relevant to steam menu not coming up,
but after starting GDT, i open the task manager and saw that 3 lots of GDT was running,

if the steam menu doesn’t come up, there might be a chance that this is the cause, im not sure

Here is the link onto “” with screenshot of the triple game process