AMD FX 8150 Eight Core
16GB of DDR 1600
GTX 670 4GB Version
OCZ 850w PS
128 SSD
Win 7 64b
I know my specs are good and heat/OS clutter isn’t the issue. I keep my machine pretty clean.
After all the threads I’ve read on it, I’ve only seen one where the person specifically said that he didn’t have this same issue playing the non-Steam version. Most people who are having this issue aren’t saying if they are playing on Steam or the non-Steam version. It could be the difference on why it’s difficult to replicate. I play on Steam and I can replicate EVERY time without fail.
I think it ‘could’ be a couple of things…
1 - Steam integration is screwing something up. People are already pointing out issues with the overlay in itself. How often is the game having to do something with Steam? Unfortunately, I’m not going to buy another version to see myself.
2 - Java. Java is maxing out, so to speak, when the three activities are all going at full speed. With my game, it will sometimes catch-up if I don’t have any game popups. Unfortunately, this game loves popups. Not to mention, not everyone uses the same version of Java.
3 - Combination of both. Take Java being maxed out and Steam being mean and you have the possibility of issues.
4 - The game itself. Do we have to have all those bubbles and popups?
I think it’s a limitation of Java myself, at least running at 32bit.