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94000 million cash.

Seems legit.

My score was 41,170,673.48

Well ive played the game quite a few times and ive never seen a score as high as 2670 mill, the greenheart games game was my first succes and my third try, after that i went to the wiki.

Nice Scores! For your two 100+ games, what strategies did you use?

So Far my best is only 87 mil focusing on Action-Simulation and Action-Strategy AAA games for a custom console.

for those 2 i produced a triple A scifi Rpg mmo , and then i only made expansions for it, but i kinda think that 2 large mmos will do better at end score instead of 1 triple A mmo and thats what im going to try today.

Iā€™ve heard that MMOs are the key to big scores, though Iā€™m personally not a fan of them. Is it true that you get huge sales increases even if your expansion packs are junk?

sure if its a late expansionā€¦ but yourĀ“ll lose fansā€¦ lots of fans.
And yeah mmoā€™s are the shit when it come to making money and fans, in my current game ive been beeting the same Large mmo fantasy rpg for the past 4-5 years in game that has yielded 3 mill fans and 39.000 mill cash and im still 4 years from finnishā€¦ ill just continue to beat on this large mmo and see how high the high score will be.
Edit 2 Years later i have 475.294,9 mill cash and 8,2 mill fans.

And the final Score is :

Btw the money you make from making a mmo over several years is luducrisā€¦ as you can see from the pic, im sitting with 17 billion or trillion on my bank accountā€¦

And the bottom of itā€¦

Dominion Games

Score: 33,113,643
Cash: 485M
Fans: 884.4K
Best seller: NHL 2K (48.9M units)
Self-published games: 44
Publisher used: 10
Top hits: 6
Good games: 17
AAA games: 0
Large games: 7
Medium games: 23
Small games: 24
Technology points generated: 6258
Design points generated: 8696
Total research completed: 48
Researched topics: 35
Most used genre (Adventure): 22
Most used topic (Fantasy) : 18
Least profitable (Dracula): -1.6M
Most profitable (NHL 2K): 680.6M
Most expensive (Eruption) : 12.6M

Just finished my first game. waitā€¦thereā€™s a wiki?

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this was on my first try

wow! what were your other stats? Iā€™d love to know what your strategy wasā€¦

With the 1.39 prior to Steam: 63,673,427.59
With 1.45 (Steam): 59,205,087.31

I wish I knew what I could do to get it up higher.



42 years
82 games (69 hits, 13 good games)
57 small games
5 medium games
13 big games
7 AAA games
2 custom consoles

final cash : 4,628 M
fans : 9,2 M

best game :
Dragon Fire X - Battle of Giants
10,25, #1 Rank
34 249 788 sold games
616 496 482 revenue
21 400 000 cost
305 270 fans
not a MMO
Fantasy/Action, released on PS4, xBox One & Black Tiger (custom console)

as you can see by the numbers, my strategy was to stay in the garage as long as possible. left garage on Y17 after releasing Game number 55 (for the record, it was Hiroshima IV - Plutonium Paradise, a Post-Apocalyptic/Action for adults only on the Sega Dreamcast).

I know this post is very late but who knows, someone might be interested to talk about it, just discovered the game very lately. Now waiting for the sequel GDT2, unless Iā€™m trying to beat my high score and try to get 200M pointsā€¦

edit : no modding.
version : v 1.6.11



Strategy : Garage forever :slight_smile: