Rights for unofficial trailer dubbing

We can’t give you ‘the rights’ to our trailer. Without knowing the details of your homework I can’t easily offer alternatives but I assume you could just create a private youtube video and only share it with your class. That would likely fall under fair use anyway.

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nope sorry, can t do it very fast…would take some time :wink:
And, you may only release it private, so not for public use

@PatrickKlug @Aswin_Vos
my homework is just make a part of a movie(speaking in english),sing a song(in english) or dubbing a trailer(in english)
OBS:Im brazilian and our official language is portuguese

I don’t see a problem with you dubbing our trailer as long as you don’t publish it publicly.


He wants to publish (I’m not writing confidently)

He could make it unlisted? @ajuizadogames

@Charlie @Darkly @PatrickKlug @Aswin_Vos
I can upload and put on “third content used in this video” option…and is a fan made video with just the game trailer(the STEAM RELEASE TRAILER)

I think the best option is to publish it as unlisted (as @Darkly suggested) and only share it with your classmates/teachers.


@PatrickKlug @Charlie @Darkly @Aswin_Vos
I have other question to "resolve"
On my channel on Youtube i uploaded the FULL soundtrack of GDT and some time later i have noticed that was a problem with the rights why?(the video is removed from my channel by me)

I don’t think uploading the soundtrack is allowed in the first place (read the EULA for more information)

If you get copyright strikes on gameplay videos, that’s another story. This is explained in detail here:

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I didn’t get strike just a warning message.
I have another question:I can share my FULL game with my friend/cousin?(I have the STEAM version of the game)

If you use Steam then you can use Steam Family Sharing to share games with your family and friends. Other than that you cannot share the game. Purchases are for your own personal use only.

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CRAP!!!This game is not DRM-FREE?

@ajuizadogames Do you even know what DRM is lol. Hint: it has nothing to do with not being able to share your games

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Also if you are monetizing your videos is the reason you get copyright strikes

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please translate it to my language(PT-BR)


please close this topic @Charlie