[REQ] API Add-ons: What do you want?

Hello everyone!!

In this topic people can post ideas for add-ons that they want to see created for the mod-API.
Things like: R&D Researches, custom achievements etc.

Flow the comments with you ideas ^^

~~~ DzjengisKhan ~~~

Do you think you may be able to add some hardware lab research like GPU,CPU,RAM,Power supplies,Motherboards that sort of stuff.

Can not think of any for the R&D lab once I do I will edit the post.

I do not know if this is possible with the current api but maybe being able to sell your game engines.

For ex: You make a $600,000 engine maybe you could get $300,000 back.

There is already an option to sell your engines (almost) at the end of the game. And about the hardware lab, really cool ideas. I think i’m gonna look into the posibillitys for it ^^

That is my fault I do not really pay attention to things.

I do not know if you can do this, but there was a request to have a option to remove the bubbles I guess the bubbles do not work good on sub par computers.

Here are some ideas to consider(Not sure if all are possible):


(This is more of a program thing and has little to do with the api not sure if you are into this stuff)


(Here is one on achievements)


(Here is a bunch of ideas)


(More ideas some R&d stuff in here)


I think I am taking this overboard now. :smile:

(A delete button for saves)


(A thread with your name on it)


Also, you may want to look on the steam page people over there want things.

Maybe an option to make extra offices, that would be quite cool

Ability to update/patch your game while it’s on market.


Create GUI windows. the width, the height and the position in the screen.

An event for when a new game is started would be useful. There is an event for when a game is loaded, and in my case it would be fine if that was triggered when you start a new game (it’s not), but I’m sure there are people who’d want a separate event for a new game to initialise save file specific data.

Oh, and something else would be a more advanced loading system, similar to what Minecraft Forge has. In that instead of one initialisation step (like the ready() GDT has), there is three stages - preInit, init and postInit. The idea is that mods would set stuff up in preInit if they want other mods to be able to use it (so for GDT this could be additional mod-specific APIs etc.), then the mod would set all it’s own stuff up in init, and then anything that requires stuff from other mods to be already set up in postInit . The game basically then calls the preInit() for every mod, then the init() for every mod, then the postInit() for every mod.

To give an example, the Buildcraft mod in Minecraft uses preInit to load its configuration and sets up items like the gears etc. that other mods might want to use for their recipes. Then in init() it loads all its blocks, like engines etc. Finally, in postInit() it scans through all the blocks (including at this stage those added by other mods), and checks to see if any of them are considered “soft” blocks (liquids, plants, etc.), which means the quarry deletes them if they’re in its way rather than mines them as an item.

make your own officerss

I like how all the above suggestions are already all completely possible, just not trough the GDT object.

The way Javascript works, pretty much any change to the game (apart from what happens before mods are loaded/how it loads mods) is possible. However, some things would be nicer if they were part of the API. For example, with the one I mentioned about an event for a new game starting - I can make my own event by replacing GameManager.setupNewGame with one that fires my event then calls the original function (and that’s what the randomiser does). But it would be nicer to have this part of the same documented API as events like the loading/saving events.

The preInit/init/postInit thing is not possible without a consistent way to ensure that some sort of modloader runs first so it can override loadJs. This could be done by making every mod declare it as dependency, but again it would be nicer to have it in the existing API.

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This I agree with, it also seems that the events are mostly a ‘notification’ of those things happening rather than you’ll get actual data, for example, none of the events actually allow returning data to it, which makes the events sort of useless when you want to edit the data it’s giving you as parameters.

hope im doing this right lol. anyway i’d like to see portable consoles be able to be made and the game pricing to be more in wrighting £5.99 or $42.99 hope you take up the ideas and more Ds platforms would be cool

Ability to make events happen during G3.

An Api to control character leveling.
It’s just plain annoying you have to keep training them while they do level up, you pay more salary, but still need to spend waaaaaaaaaay to much RP before they are actually usefull in salary/skill ratio, and RP are slow as hell to get without cheating or creating 200 engines…

@DzjengisKhan Okay i will say im very pleased with you mod so far the only thing im not liking of all the mods i added last night is the topics that are pretty much the same thing just different name like wizard and warlock they are pretty much the same thing im not sure whos mod its from but anyways i do have a few ideas iv had ever since i started playing

I WANT TO BE ABLE TO FIX THE SERVERS FOR MMO GAMES- as you know after a while they get bad and you lose money to me not a big deal i just wish we could do server maintenance like in real life to fix they so we gain money from them such as down time i have no idea if its possible i just wanna see something when it happens

I WOULD LOVE A HUGE BIG REVEAL FOR OUR SYSTEMS WE MAKE- right now its should i tell the people about our new system. i want something with a big reveal like at g3 where we show the new system

AND THE LAST ONE OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD THE BUG ISSUE- i want part where you can have one or two people working on the bug fixes as the game is being made i think it would help out the people trying to make games faster

i do have more ideas but id rather start short than give a huge mess let me know if any of this is even possible

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i have some little ideas that could be useful…

include some more consoles: Game Boy Color/Advance; Odyssey; Neo-Geo…
include some more topics: Shoot’em Up; Stealth; Flight Simulator; Survival; Visual Novel; Moba…

just some suggestions :3

We already have the Gamling Color but others are to be considered! :wink:

I need a simple instruction thing to learn how to install mods on a mac. Simple simple, like Go to this folder found here. Not Commands, not a giant terminal commands list, Basic.Bloody.Instructions. Thanks