[REQ] An Unofficial GDT Mod Website!

Is it handy for this to have a Skype group maybe?

I’m not sure it seems we already have a site. Ask the others.

Just added a chatroom to the site http:// gamedevmods.com/index.php?action=chat I run the IRC network it connects to so we won’t be disturbed by random people lol. Saves the need to give out personal details such as skype contacts etc

Haha. Sure! :wink:

I was thinking to buy gamedevtycoonmods.com but then i thinked that ppl loves all tyccon game mods . So will be nice to open page for all tycoon games to share all mods

Well, already i did , will be live chat tomorrow in game dev tycoon mods page , also thinking to give some rights to modders so contact with me if you want. I will puplish to page ( not main page) tomorrow.

b-b- bu bu bu bubt but but i thought i said that i was going to help with the website

i’ll mod for you if you’d like

Come join the irc chat @apljee we can discuss it there :wink: go to the site (links everywhere above) and click on “chat”