[REL] [Tools] UltimateSuite - UltimateLib [1.3.4]

Somehow I can’t get access to the official website, always gives me error loading page :frowning: any mirror?

@daothanhduy2806 http://chadkeating.com/gdt/UltimateLib.zip

I cant download UltimateLib 1.1.0, when I open the pages i get an error


@supersamuel As above…

Oh, sorry i didn’t saw the other message

This link is UltimateLib 1.0.2

Main link is working now anyway.

Thanks man. Anw, I managed to download it from official website via browser in ubuntu but not when log on to windows. But I had it anw :p, thanks so much!

Could i be a tester?

@alphabit Urm, UltimateLib documentation being updated? it wont work properly

What are you trying to do?

@SirEverard add notification, when i look at anything it just says that it is a library based of the official api

Okay the Notification class does not post Notifications yet.
To post one use:

GameManager.company.notifications.push(new Notification({header: headerString, text: textString})

This is for just a normal notification with an OK button.

ok, thanks @SirEverard

Yes. The notification class is far from complete :slight_smile:

Support for easily showing notifications will come in the next release.

Also with the option to use overlay for that notification

Quick Status Update:

UltimateLib is close to the next release (1.2.0). All 1.1.0 users will be notified automatically through the updater. So you’ll know it very soon! The documentation has been already updated, so it’s worth to take a look at :wink:

For those you can’t wait…it’ll take 1 or 2 days :wink:

UME has seen some progress these days. The first working implementation of the CanResearch Criteria Designer has been completed. Now some other parts are designed and implemented and then a new version will be released to our testers.

The 0.2.0 (probably the 0.2.1) version will also be the first public release after the tests have been done.


Thanks for 1000 downloads :wink: :musical_note: :dancers:



you have less then a week to release :neutral_face: :computer: :clock12:

1 Like

Yes, exactly!
(And Events, they will be nice too.)

UME News

To allow integrating images easily into your expansion mods, UME has an integrated image management that integrates images right into your project.

The integrated simple image editor allows to crop images to the right size and/or apply some basic effects on the image.

On the main screen, images are available at any time from the right handed picture tree, which also allows to open the picture manager independently.

In a specific editor form, like the following upcoming lab research screen, image can be implemented by selecting them from the appropriate dropdown list or you can also call the picture manager from here, allowing to add images and select them afterward. This allows for easy access to images whenever required.

Please note that an expansion mod created with UME, will export images using the following directory structure:



As soon as this feature is working 100%, I’ll implement basic notifications and will provide then a release.
Yes, you’ve been reading right… the next release WILL contain a BASIC notification system :wink:
