[REL] [Tools] UltimateSuite - UltimateLib [1.3.4]

UME 0.2.0 Video Tutorial (Quick & Dirty Edition) available on YouTube###

For all current and future users of UME, I’ve done a quick and dirty introduction tutorial to show you how to create an expansion mod using UME.

UME 0.2.0 Video Tutorial on YouTube

HEY guys trying to install this i download it and unzip it after that what file to i drag and drop and were do i put it do i put it in the lib folder or in the mods folder
also there is no tutorials on how to install this stuff for us people who dont have a clue about computer science
im trying to install ultimate lib for the camelot mod

Just Drop The Unpacked Folder to ‘mods’, same with any mod.

###UltimateLib 1.2.0 Download Package Updated##
Sorry for confusion on the current download package. I’ve updated the download file, as I’ve overseen that there was missing a “Subfolder” within the zip file.

If you already have managed to work with UL 1.2.0, then you don’t need to do anything. If you are installing UL for the first time you might have been confused. If so, simply re-download the UltimateLib and unzip the package in the “mods” folder by extracting the data inside there. A new folder named UltimateLib will then be available in the mods folder.

Hey @Cathal_Gavin Sorry for confusion. Hope this helps now.

when i unzipped it the only folder i got was called img is that it?


Look here for information on installing mods.

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UME non-public Update

A new updated version of UME is available for download. Please download the latest version as it fixes some bugs and introduces some necessary changes.

All current UME users should receive an automatic update notification.

Please note that for downloading the test version you don’t need the password anymore, but for unzipping the files you still need it.

This update is only for registered testers

I’m a little confused So is UME currently available to only a small number people for now. And if that is true when is a public release planned.

@sbmercury You are absolutely right. The current UME version is available only to the registered testers, since we want to release a merely clean version to the public.

It is planned to release UME between the 5th and 10th of February. This gives me the time to fix some issues and provide some more complete features.

If you are interested in using UME in the future, you can already take a look on how the application will look like and feel. For this you could watch the video tutorial on youtube.

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@alphabit Cool can’t wait to try it out.

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Since @Haxor and @lPunisheRl will not have the time to continue testing UME, there are now 2 slots open for those who would like to test UME and send feedback.

Let me know if you’re interested.

Even after a public release, I will stick on providing non-public beta versions from time to time. If you are registered, you will get those versions, of course.

ultimate suite losed the bubble and gamespeed option???

Maybe you confused UL with TweakMod. The “Bubble” and “Gamespeed” features are part of the TweakMod (which also needs the UltimateLib).

See here: [WIP] Expansion: TweakMod - 0.3.1

Oowh…stupid me…

I hope when my computer works again I’ll make a mod (console mod)

Just watched the video and it made me wish to have my computer fixed!
Make something like an introduction on YouTube or some video like:
“Looking to make a GDT Mod but getting errors? (Showing some error picture) then ume is for you! Create platforms, topics (and so so on) with a simple, powerful click!” And then you show some showcases but he video should be longer than 1 min

Make a video so that when people search like “game dev tycoon mod” they’ll get into this

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@Gamingthrou Good idea! Thanks. I will take that seriously into consideration. At the moment I have a big enemy called time :wink: I started today to make a tutorial, but then I realized and discovered some bugs during the recording session :stuck_out_tongue:

So I need to start over again… do u know that I feel quite dumb having to repeat every time the same words and steps? :smiley:

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to watch the video. I hope it was useful and that it’s clear enough to use as a starting point.

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I accedintly wrote “than one min” instead of "no more than one min

No, not repeating every word but like a small script that includes "introduction words"
People who look to make mods usually don’t look at videos that are more than 10 minutes and they probably won’t look at your video (maybe) because of the wierd title name and the author name and to solve that you need a clean and clear introduction.
Then you make a link to the tutorial in the video description

If you want some help for the video title here are some:
Want to mod Game Dev Tycoon? Here’s how!
How to mod Game Dev Tycoon simple and easy!
The Game Dev Tycoon Mod Creator!
Create Game Dev Tycoon mods with Ultimate Mod Editor!

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Btw if you looked at my created topics you’ll notice I have an idea that is similar to this tool (I created it long ago)
And for that I want to thank you for making this tool (even though I believe you didn’t based this tool of my idea :smile:

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