Latest version : 3.5
Last release date: 18/02/2014
This mod brings more simulation based topics to research.
I have always wanted more topic research and I think most other also think the same.
Special Thanks to
GameDev Tycoon maker @PatrickKlug and @DanielKlug
UltimateMod Editor(UME) makers @SirEverard and @alphabit
This mod goes well with most others, below are some that I it tried with.
Ultra GDT by @KizzaGaming
Expansion PAckby @DzjengisKhan and @LineLiar
Mod requires
Change Logs
Version 3.5
Everything from the last version plus
15 New topics
Version 3.0
Everything from the last version plus
New Topics
- 25 games made
- 50 games made
- 75 games made
- 100 games made
- I million Fans
- 5 Million Fans
- Most Expensive Game-engine in the world.
- First Billion
There are lots of event I added.
Version 2.0
Everything from the last version plus
New Topics
- Trade
- Astronaut
- Woodcutter
- Gods
- Zoo
- Roman
- Bus
- Car
- Tech
- Post-office
- Social
- Port
- Cooking
- Rescue
- Construction
Version 1.0
- Media
- Train
- Truck
- Management
- Hotel
- Farming
- Mechanic
- Mining
- Ship
Download it Here
If you want something new in the game feel free to tell me I will add it to my mod.
Hope these topics help your company grow.
Good luck
Please let me know if this mod gives you any trouble
Yay! it sounds like a great mod!
Thanks, do you have any suggestions.
maybe add resources like mining!
Thanks again, I will add it too
I have added the last three topics to my first release, it will be on the web very soon.
@Charlie Can you pls add this to the official mod list
Wow i inspired ANOTHER person to make a mod
Yes, what do you think of it.
Not had time as i just found it but iām about to install it
This is a snapshot of my mods folder and i had no issues

@adi7991 Quick question, was rhis mod inspired by my mod or did you just test it with my mod
You mod did not contain many sim type topics which inspired me to make this one.
And you really play with so many mods.
1 Like
Anyways thanks,
I have a long list of topics that I wish to add to this mod.
And I really enjoy you mod.
Thanks glad you enjoy my mod
(BTW will updates to this mod go through beta testing, if so sign me up for testing)
@adi7991 Also would you like to beat test my mod
Yes, I have so much free time, I would love it.