Random Thoughts: The official spam thread

Except they make a lot more sense.

Except they don’t, in fact; the very definition of a paradox makes it actually impossible and can cause it to be an infinite logic loop that repeats indefinitely without any conclusion or answer, making it equal to (and just as confusing as) dividing by 0.

Not to forget we can use paradoxes to fight any robot armies that arise in the near future.

Logic bombs are awesome.

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Robots are programmed. As far as I believe, you can’t possible make a program that has a paradox. In computing, a switch can only be 0 or 1, not anything else.

Yes you could. You could make a program contain an impossible algorithm and make the robot try and solve it, and seeing as its an infinite logic loop, it will overload it’s CPU and fry it’s internals, effectively killing it.

Well that is the point isn’t it. You can just broadcast paradoxes on loudspeaker and when the robots input the audio they will go :boom: Right? :smile:

Overloading the CPU will result in either rebooting or crashing depending on the robot, but it can’t fry it’s internals. Also, the robot can not be confused because it’s all if **** then ****. And frying the internals is only in movies.

Also, none would make a robot without overheat protection, so no :boom: for you. @Charlie.

So are robots capable of domination; this is speculative. Also, @Charlie, that depends on the robots having the capacity to decode, process and reason with human speech; if they had the capacity to reason, what would stop them from having a moral compass?

The evolutionary jump to self awareness, reasoning ability alone does not provide a moral compass, cats reason that they want to sleep in the dog’s bed, they do not care that the dog is in it. Then again maybe cats just have a very humourous moral compass :cat2:

Animals mostly use instinct. And they use it like way better than humans.

I agree, but a cat doesn’t have the capacity to understand the concept of a paradox, so it isn’t advanced enough to be comparable. I love cats tho but still

What is happening here?

Of course I will.
It should come out in December
so the holiday sale and NEKOPARA Vol. 2
heck yesss

We’re discussing how paradoxes could be used to stop a robot apocalypse

A robot apocalypse that will happen in the very near future :angel:

I give it a week.

It’s not robots.

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Please make it real