Pixel Tower - (UPDATED 24/3/16)


just give me your company name and motd

Are you going to spam this at all the topics now?


well you just posted this at 3 topics…you could at least give us some feedback what it is about…

that all am going to do i just picked 3 people to invite of our new company rank

it a form for dev codeing and it enable of chat chating

I kinda wanted to ask the same question but on the other hand it’s useful.


It can be me…but I barely understand a single word of what you just said mate…I don’t wan’t to be harsh, but this is not the way to advertise something

@Lukas_Schuurman The idea can be good…but this is not the way you want to reach out to developers to collaborate with them…

every thing but english is my strong suit so sorry

That’s not a problem offcourse, but maybe its a lot wiser to reach out to developers in your own country/language, and then get someone who can do the public relations for you?

sadly English is my language a live in australia

Seriously man :stuck_out_tongue: ? then you really need to step up your level a bit…but you live there since a while or your whole life? (I’m dutch btw (Holland/The Netherlands)

claim down there a big reason a cant spell english too good

Ah right thats possible offcourse (Dyslextion?)

no but kidi close depends on the person keep trying

Ah right

a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.yes i had to use a dictorny

Oh right men, sorry if you thought I was a bit harsh, didn’t mean to be rude and didn’t know that offcourse.
I know quite a few people who have the same as you buddy

it fine you did not know