I have read some of the other user’s ideas for ideas and improvements to GDT and I have some similar interests as well as some that I didn’t quite see. Hopefully seeing that we all want some similar things will get them added to the game. I guess this would be the most efficient way to get in contact without bombarding the developer email. I couldn’t sleep tonight so, Here go my idea’s.
Prolonging Games
DLC/Expansion Pack: Modern games include buying DLC for a game. So I think it would be cool to be able to provide DLC for a game I’ve created. This would first arrive as expansion packs and then slowly as the years go by and tech advances, it would evolve into DLC. This should have some fan reaction and be essentially beneficial to the re-sparking of sales.
Updates/Improvements: As the purpose of this post, I think games should also be able to be improved and updated for continuous support rather than just going off the market and no longer have any money being generated.
ReIssue/Special Edition: I think maybe being able to repackage or rebuild an old game, perhaps make a special edition or GOTY (Game of the Year) addition would be a cool factor.
Preorder: Today’s modern world allows us to preorder games from established companies. Even offered for the Steam update of GDT.
Release Exclusives (Bonuses): Exclusive content for people who perhaps preorder or by console. Console deals would make for a release of the game earlier than for other consoles. Other benefits. This would have a positive/negative effect of fans. Makes for a more strategic gameplay.
All Major Consoles: I strongly believe that not having Gameboy Advanced, 3DS, 2DS, etc is a major flaw. This could add to extended gameplay as well as being more ‘realistic’. This would include the different versions that xBox and Playstation have released as a modified console. Also the addition of the Kinect. Each of the systems maybe variations of an existing console but they played a significant role in game history.
PC Versions: PC, Mac & Linux are all different and valid components. Mac is moving into becoming a gaming platform and we are now seeing the early breaching of legitimate ports to Linux as well. These would be very cool to see in the game as they have different markets and price points. (Just my opinion)
Android: Android has not yet been acknowledged. I notice iPhone and iPad (though missing iPod Touch) and Android is a huge different market. Much more so than the difference of iPhone to iPad.
Company Interactions (I know this is a major one being restated by other people)
News: News of what OTHER developers are doing or have produced would be interesting. However I believe this should come in the form of maybe a news line rather than a popup as current information is given.
Partnerships: I have seen other people mention rivals but what about partnerships or joint efforts?
Announcements: There should be company announcements given by our own companies and others which could lead to the following:
Deadlines: If my company announces that I will have a game ready by X-Month on X-Day, then I now have a deadline, if pushes back this would have an effect of the games overall review and my fans. Same applies to other companies.
Fan Benfits
Sales/Discounts: Allow games to go on sale or have a discount applied, maybe bundling (if some of my Prolonging Game ideas are incorporated)
Mod Community: There should be some interaction or purely news of what is happening in the modding community.
SDK: Purposely releasing game engines as an SDK for modders and fans, this may effectively add-to or replace the action of fans wanting to buy or use (when you give away) game engines.
Demos: Early or current releases to bring in fans. Add to realism.
Intended Cheats: Adding cheats to a game for fans
Console: Adding a console for cheats or modding/debugging (Keep fans involved in game development, I personally love this about games)
Leaks: Game leaks of news, new tech, or the game itself.
Piracy: Piracy should be a larger component BUT not hinder or cripple a company entirely as long as the company takes secure precautions leading to:
Security: Allow for a new job title of maybe a security software person. Creates game keys, piracy prevention etc. Could lead to different research ideas.
MISC (These ideas may be included already as I have not played the R&D Lab things)
Online Fee: Online Fee attached to MMO’s
Difficulty: Change the difficulty of GDT
Title Rights: Things like NFL/NBA or Movie Rights, Marvel/DC Comics rights (like EA’s hold on NFL)
Glitches: Games have glitches, not necessarily needed to be patched. Some may be exploited with a positive benefit for fans.
Sequel Improvements: Sequels seem to be a hard sell in my experience. There should be some more guidelines about them and not have multiple sequels lower the quality.
Main Publisher/Distributor: For example, steam or origin. Some sort of deal with a company.
More In-Depth Interviews: I would think it would be better to have a more involved interview.
Awards: There should be an award system for other companies and yourself. This could be for company rewards or individual game rewards. Similar to the Game Dev Story awards but not as random. Their idea for rewards is intelligent, but the execution of it sucked. GDT has improvements over other ways of handling things, this is just another way to shine.
Sponsors: Tying into the Title Rights, there should be sponsors with an actual name and goal. Example: Movie of The Amazing Spider-Man comes out, asks company to make a game based on the Movie (falls under superhero/adventure-action category etc)
Overall Slight Improvements
Tutorial System: Go a little more in-depth in some areas of the game, mainly the later portions and individual stages.
Graphic Tweaks: Nothing specific, just think it could be improved a little somehow, someway
More Advanced Dev Controls: The sliders are nice but somethings are not explained entirely and having more numeric values with the sliders would be greatly appreciated.
Well, that’s all for now. I think the game is pretty amazing, there are just some improvements I think that could make it even better and I understand that they cannot just be plopped in and require some sort of system to make them function.
The key ones are the Systems and Prolonged Gaming. I think those are a must.
I appreciate you reading my ideas, hope to see them someday!
[Edit: Corrections]