KizzaGaming is on Stupid Peasant Quotes!

pc=console just no keyboard and mouse and other firmware

and different os, and 60 fps and 4K supportā€¦

firmware is os i think some oc games have 60fps some console games have 60fps
pc and console support 4K

How dare you


key word:



next gen consoles are 1080P maxā€¦

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small differences but both are amazing

Console is good for exclusives.

But PC and Console are not the same
They are the same in terms of architecture (The next gen consoles are essentially PCā€™s)


No big games hit 60. BF4 stays around 45ish on ps4/xbox.

And consoles do not support 4k. The integrated graphics wonā€™t even support the 4k resolution, meaning, they couldnā€™t go that high even if they wanted.

Are you saying 30 and 60 are small differences? dudeā€¦


u dont like consoles?

If you had a 60 and 30 frame screen playing the same video beside each other, you would never use the 30 frame screen again.


i know the difference
watch dogs and ac 4 black flag were 30 fps
wolfnestein the nw order and bf4 60fps

So you can tell the difference?

Then you should know why PC is better

what da fuck has that to do whit this?
ubisoft basicly makes 30fps games

On console, yes
On PC, no

weell wd on pc sucked like hell didnt it
why u gotta hate on consoles?

Itā€™s not the console, itā€™s the devs.

The make games worse because consoles canā€™t deal with what devs want to do.

how do you now that so sure you dint work there do u? destiny is a console exclusive but is the most exspensive game evar

Iā€™ve already gave an example :stuck_out_tongue:

Destiny looks good, but it seems repetitive