KizzaGaming is on Stupid Peasant Quotes!

haw you knwo for sure you work at dice?

dice said it themselves :stuck_out_tongue:

@azertyman how is that relevant?

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bf series is mainly aimed for pc tho they sell on console for more sales tho you know ea lol

@azertyman link?

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Shots fired pew pew


yeh a link to the news story

playing battlefield? :slight_smile:


They had to make the ballistic shield 2 handed because the Xbox 360 and PS3 were to weak.

no… do you work at ea? how do you know it was aimed at pc mainly :trollface: just using your own arguments against you

well they mean last gen that are defenetly old consoles

And, it’s still a console holding us back

they wanted to release on ps3 and x360 cuz they want money $ $


Well, then they should have just gave the people on PS3 and 360 the riot shield, and PC, PS4 and XBONE users could have had the riot shield and the ability to have your pistol in your other hand

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if that was possible i think they would have done it tho is it even possible someone email ea!

It clearly is possible -_-

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should i contact ea i wanna know why they didnt?

should contact them ore will u do?

It’s DICE, not EA

btu ea says what dice does whould ea know an answer? i can open live chat with costumer support now?
lol kinda silly but yeh should i?