Well, I do think the achievements for in the game should be more serious, the only one I would actually ever would like to see added to the game is “Moving With My Auntie And Uncle In Bel-air - Name a game “Fresh Prince”"
Badtle For Azeroth - Make seven expansions for an MMO while simultaneously re-releasing the original MMO as a “Classic” version which ultimately sells more.
The. Exact. Same. Console- Make 3+ maxxed-out custom consoles.
Wait…I thought? - Make Portal 3.
The Dark Ages- Make 3+ 7.0+games, then suddenly get 3+ 1.0 ratings in a row
Target Acquired- Make an action game for every topic
10 000 million- Get 10 billion cash or more.
Something’s Wrong- make a sequel to a Game Dev/Simulation game, except it’s a hacker/simulation game.
Too Late, Now What?- release a game for a discontinued platform.
Music To My Ears- Make a rhythm/casual game called Game Dev Tycoon