Italian Translation

I’m in! I would be glad to give help!

Ci sto! Sarei lieto di dare una mano!

thanks for your interest @vitodipinto - sounds like we’d be lucky to have you on board. What other moderator would you suggest? clearly @andyrinaldi is interested and has prior experience as well.

Seems like the Italian team is on track to be unlocked :wink:

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Dear @PatrickKlug - I warmly welcome anyone that is very interested and with some experience. @andyrinaldi has experience in video game localisation. So, we should be OK.

Ragazzi mi rivolgo a tutti voi, cerchiamo di guadagnare tempo ed iniziamo con la prima fase: familiarizzare con Game Dev Tycoon. Nel caso qualcuno di voi non l’avesse giocato, vi invito a farlo. Se non volete comprarlo, c’è la demo. Cercate di guardare ai contenuti, il linguaggio usato, stile del testo, dinamiche di gioco.

Io l’ho comprato e ci sto giocando a pieno ritmo da una decina di giorni, quindi diciamo la fase di familiarizzazione l’ho fatta. A dire il vero ho riscontrato problemi nell’utilizzo dell’applicazione di traduzione. Ho navigato nella sezione spagnola ma non sono riuscito a capirci molto, ad ogni modo raccomando a tutti quelli che non l’hanno ancora fatto di consultare la sezione della guida alla traduzione:

A presto.

Io l’ho giocato più volte e finito per il momento una volta sola.
Quindi direi che con le meccaniche ho abbastanza familiarità. Per la traduzione ho dato una veloce occhiata, e mi parrebbe una normale concatenazione di stringhe :wink: Non vedo l’ora di iniziare!

Io ci sto giocando a nastro da quando è uscito (regolarmente acquistato) e ovviamente sono ben lieto di dare la mia “piccola mano” con la traduzione… ho anche visto il layout vuoto per la traduzione e non mi pare complicatissimo!!! DAJE!!! :smile:

So, when are we going to start?

Allora, quando cominciamo?

Dear @PatrickKlug the team is ready to begin translating. Whenever you want you can activate the platform for the Italian translation. If you have any question, don’t hesitate. Cheers Vito

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@PatrickKlug any news regarding the Italian translation? Most of the guys have played the game. I’m playing as well, so we can start. What do you think?

later today. sorry for the delay.

We had a professional translator already start on part of the translation (for free because she had a bit of time). I’m just waiting for that to come through and then I will upload it to our system. I should get it some time next week.

Sorry for the delay and confusion. I forgot about that (@DanielKlug just reminded me).

@PatrickKlug I wanted to tell you that I’m leaving this project.

Would it be helpful to provide some details of what causes you to leave the project?

I think it’ll contribute on identifying which flaws to improve to have a better future.

sorry to hear that. We aim to upload the partial translation to the translate project next week (there was a slight delay).

Are there any potential moderators who are still interested?

@PatrickKlug, I’m still in the project.
I have not seen the Italian language added to the translation application.
I’m waiting for your news about the italian translation project.
Let me know.

@PatrickKlug, news about Italian translation?

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@PatrickKlug We can start to translate the game.

If you need another moderator ask for it.

Apologies for the delay. Things didn’t quite go to plan with this one and we stuffed up the Italian language file we had partially translated. Apparently there were only a few translations done anyway so I think it’s best to just start from scratch.

I have added the Italian translation project on

Now I just need the moderators user name on the website so I can give them moderator status.

I have made @andyrinaldi a moderator and ideally we would need one more moderator to help. It’d would have been great to have @vitodipinto on board as well but I understand if he’s moved on.

I’m truly sorry for the delay and for the miscommunication.

Dear @PatrickKlug I wanted to tell you that I’m again on board. I had to leave because I was very busy with other projects and because the delay in adding the Italian language annoyed me a bit! Now it’s fine!!:slight_smile: No problem to be one of the moderator!