Improve FPS in Final Office Area

FPS slow down to a screeching halt of 1 FPS in Game Development, after pop-ups appear like the game interviews, and G3. After the pop-ups disappear, it takes 1-4 minutes for the FPS to go back to normal.

Occurs in: Final Office in the years of 15-35+

Version: Steam 1.4.3
OS: Windows 7 SP1

This also happens to me! Only in Steam 1.4.2/1.4.3 though, but it makes the game look crappy. I think something someone added for popups wasn’t very efficient :stuck_out_tongue:

Question: Did that FPS get fixed when in level 4?

What are the specs for your computer?

The issue is one of two things to my knowledge is…

  1. The game has ate your RAM alive, need to restart or clear non critical programs from RAM, note don’t touch anything if you don’t know what you are doing as that can do more bad than good.

To the Developers: A way to fix the RAM issue entirely instead of allowing the game to constantly build up memory, design a recycle method for a set limit of memory so that the game can run on less RAM while making the game should it ever be made into a multi-platform game a way to keep the Phone’s OS from force closing the game due to excessive use of memory, which is more readily apparent in the mobile market.

  1. You Have part of the Hardware or R&D Lab screen showing on main screen with the main area, to fix this move to a lab using only arrow keys as it centers the areas correctly, but also when you move it on accident with mouse.

To the Developers: It would be better to likely remove the mouse being able to scroll the screen and instead opt to add UI buttons that can do the transition between the areas similar to how using the arrow keys do.

EDIT: Fixed an issue with numbering.

Personally, this issue has been greatly improved since the steam update. No perfect, but It rarely happens and when it does, its not for long.