How do I make a great AAA game?

I just started creating AAA games and I constantly bomb them! I have all my employees and myself specialized. Here is the list:
World Design
Level Design

So does anyone here have any advice on how to make a successful AAA game? Thanks in advance!

What genre are you making?
Your specialization list doesn’t seem to be focused on one particular genre.
There is no genre in which World Design, Story/Quests, Engine and AI are equally important.

For the Adventure/RPG branch you are missing Dialouge, for the Tech-focused Action/Simulation/Strategy branch you are missing Sound.
And you are missing Graphics which is equally important in all genres.

Making a great AAA game isn’t that much different from making a great large game. Focus on the important parts for your genre, specialize your staff in these areas. Use a modern graphics engine (2D isn’t going to cut it for AAA) and try to balance the Design and Tech-Points for your genre. (Train your staff accordingly)

Oh and have all staff well rested before starting development, otherwise your productivity will plummet in phase 3.

Thank you for the advice! Also, can you answer another question? How does AAA game making actually unlock? In my second playthrough, AAA won’t unlock.

I think its based on the fanbase.
There are no publishing deals for AAA games, so you need to have the appriorate fanbase to market these monsters.

Therefore the option to research AAA games at the R&D-Lab becomes avaible after you hit 1 Million Fans. At least that is what i experienced in my last playthrough.

Yeah I just unlocked AAA with one million fans with my first perfect 10 game! I changed my specialists around to focus more on Design.

World Design
Level Design