Help! (Loading Screen Problems)

When I launch GDT, I get a white background. I know that this is supposed to happen, because I’ve been playing it already. But now, it’s just taking forever for it to load, and to be honest I don’t think it’s even loading. Please help a noob like myself.

But does it eventually load?

btw. are you THIS rapix?






Haxor, yes, I am the guy from Gamejolt that tested your game, and um cazaran, What?

Oh. Haxor, I meant it does not eventually load.

Use @Haxor and please don’t double post :blush:

k den, hi

Then try again, if it still doesn’t work then reinstall it.
Have you managed to run it at least one time?

Eh, no…

To be completely honest I might just not download Game Dev Tycoon. I’ll wait a few months.

try turning it off and turning it on again…?

Maybe reinstall it.

Use dat reply button and don’t double post.

Okay…Like this?

You learn fast…
You will take thos forum over someday…

Hey and welcome to the forums :smile:

Does the screen remain white after some time? Pure white with no other loading bars or messages? If so and you are on a laptop please turn off the NVidia/AMD and use the Intel. This will resolve the issue as it seems to be related to GPU drivers.

It is not about the wrong drivers, Its about a certain set of laptop specific drivers having issues with Node Webkit based games.

The IT Crowd, lol.

Install directx and nvidia physx and net framework 2 4 4.5
and all of the visual c++