German translation feedback

This is the right place to point out errors or any other issues with the German translation and to get the moderators attention. The official translation project is here.


@Hyphon, @DanielKlug

Hi @PatrickKlug,

just took a quick look and found this one at the first pick:

Vena, Erfinder der Master V-Konsole, hat den Vena Gear angekĆ¼ndigt. Die tragbare Konsole ist die Antwort auf den Gameling von Ninvento.{n}Ein Sprecher des Unternehmens sagte: ā€˜Im Gegensatz zu Ƥhnlichen auf dem Markt erhƤltlichen GerƤten, welche sich nicht mit Spielkonsolen messen kƶnnen, ist der Vena Gear im Prinzip leistungstechnisch auf demselben Niveau die Master V, auƟer, dass er eben tragbar ist.ā€™ Der Vena Gear verfĆ¼gt auƟerdem Ć¼ber ein Farbdisplay.{n}Wird dieses GerƤt den Gameling toppen? Wir sind gespannt. Der Vena Gear erscheint {0}.

would sound better:

Vena, Hersteller der Master V-Konsole, hat Vena Gear angekĆ¼ndigt. Die tragbare Konsole ist die Antwort auf den Gameling von Ninvento.{n}Ein Unternehmenssprecher sagte: ā€˜Im Gegensatz zu Ƥhnlichen auf dem Markt erhƤltlichen GerƤten, die sich mit Spielkonsolen nicht messen kƶnnen, ist Vena Gear leistungstechnisch auf demselben Niveau des Master V, auƟer, dass er eben tragbar ist.ā€™ Das Vena Gear verfĆ¼gt auƟerdem Ć¼ber ein Farbbildschirm.{n}Wird dieses GerƤt den Gameling Ć¼bertrumpfen? Wir sind gespannt. Vena Gear erscheint am {0}.

Hereā€™s another:

Hi Chef! Ich habe ein Talent fĆ¼r Sicherheitsfragen und ich glaube, ein paar Sicherheitsverbesserungen wĆ¼rden unserem BĆ¼ro nicht schaden.ā†µ
Ich habe ein bisschen recherchiert und ich glaube, eine Investition von {0} wĆ¼rde die Sicherheit stark verbessern.ā†µ
Was sagen Sie dazu?

and how I would translate it:

Hallo Chef! Ich habe ein Talent fĆ¼r sicherheitsrelevante Themen und glaube ein paar Verbesserungen wĆ¼rden unserem BĆ¼ro nicht schaden.ā†µ
Ich habe ein bisschen recherchiert und glaube das eine Investition von {0} die Sicherheit stark verbessern wĆ¼rde.ā†µ
Was sagen Sie dazu?


@alphabit: Can you please send me the numbers of the strings? Was out for Christmas and New Years Eve;)


  • New strings added and translated (3 translations under approval)
  • Fixed two strings to fit into design (ā€œcustom engineā€)
  • Some minor changes

Sure @Hyphon:

305 and 119


  • New strings added and translated

When I donĀ“t give money to the F&E Lab. then ther is 0 per monty (0 pro Monat) but that isnĀ“t German. Right: 0 Euros per Month ā€¦

Sorry for my bad english :smiley:

Hier darf ausnahmsweise auch Deutsch geschrieben werden. :wink:

Ich schaue mir das gleich an.


  • New strings added and translated
1 Like


  • New strings added and translated

@PatrickKIug: Can you please take a look on the lock feature. It drives me mad again. Iā€™m always locked from the German translation branch and canā€™t commit any new translations, which are going into data nirvana.

@Hyphon: sorry, I missed this. Are you simply locked out or does the lock status change over time? Can you clarify how the issue manifests itself a bit more?

@PatrickKlug Sorry, was busy the last weeks on work. Lot to do and holidaysā€¦ Nice combinationā€¦

The lock prevent all changes I make on the German translation branch. I canā€™t submit own translations/suggestions nor I can approve suggestions I want to use. They are simply gone.

It seems only to occur, if I choose ā€œstrings without translationā€. The timer kicks in as I can see it in the master/German branch menu under the ā€œlockingā€ tab. It shows, that I triggered the lock and the timer shows ā€œXX Seconds to unlockā€ (XX any number from 59 to 01).

But the system seems to refuse any of my inputs and restart the timer.

Sorry for the trouble.

We will change the configuration so that translations are no longer automatically locked. Since we only have a few moderators per language this shouldnā€™t be necessary anyway and you can still manually lock the translation if necessary.

@FlorianBeer can you report back here when the configuration change is live?

@PatrickKlug Seems that someone had changed the config at the translation site. Works actual for me. BTW: Please take a look into your PM. Send you a typo in the English strings.


  • New strings added and translated
  • Thanks to Kevin Palnau for your useful suggestions

Sorry for the delay, but as you read above, I had some technical issues with the translation website.

Sorry, I missed the String Update before. But I really get busy at the moment with ā€œTake On Marsā€

@PatrickKlug or @DanielKlug Can you please take a look into the open and fuzzy translations?
Could be too long or I missed the context of the some strings. Thanks in advance.


  • New strings added and approx. 75% translated, Rest needs clarification.
  • Minor fixes.

ā€œPosition besetztenā€ bitte Ƥndern zu ā€œPosition besetzenā€.


Please change ā€œPosition besetztenā€ to ā€œPosition besetzenā€.

the german translations seem to have been sabotaged.
the translations were better before, now in almost every single sentence is a serious error

Thatā€™d be unlikely as only moderators can change the translation. Can you link to some specific examples?

yor example if you make a game report and the combination of something is very good it says ā€œgroƟartigenā€ instead of ā€œgroƟartigā€

also when you open the publisher games it says ā€œLizengebĆ¼hrenā€ instead of ā€œLizenzgebĆ¼renā€

When you create a new engine the text overlaps the name input box.

In the game creation menu, when you pick a platform for your game, the wort ā€œZielgruppenĆ¼bereinstimmungā€ is too long, you canā€™t read that PC has Adult +++, because it overlaps with the row below.
I recommend to use a buzzword like ā€œZielgruppenā€.