Enabled Mods:
Game Dev Tycoon Mod API
Finance mod
Expansion Pack mod
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Enabled Mods:
Game Dev Tycoon Mod API
Finance mod
Expansion Pack mod
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?? more info please
Error Alert
Error Uncaughet error. Plese report this to support@greenhearts.com:Uncaught InvlidaStateErroe: An attemt was made to use on Object that is not, or is no longer, usable Plese restart the game.
The game Frozzen by the G3
Have you a idea ?
What linux disro are you running??
Hmm. i don’t have a clue
Did you tried run the game without mods, or try disable some mods and we can see if it’s a mod problem or GDT problem?
The Mods has run
I don’t know its because the g3
Ich kann es mal versuchen
Ja ich benutze die Neuste version
Selbst wenn ich die Mods weglasse kommt der Fehler
Wenn ich eine neue Seite starte (ohne Mods) kommt der Fehler nicht
Ich melde mich später noch mal ich muss weg.
Ok. Es klingt so als könntest du Probleme mit den Speicherständen hast.
Ok. It sounds that you might have some trouble with save games.
Mehr Infos / more info in our modding FAQ; Official Modding F.A.Q
alphabit, I am also experiencing the same error on my Ubuntu machine. It happens for me when the G3 convention begins (when I have a large hall. A small booth caused no issue). As soon as the G3 convention comes up, the game freezes with said error. The file that caused the error was easeljs-0.5.0.js at line 6184. As a note, I had not saved or reloaded this particular file. This happened the first time I started this particular game. Not once had I exited or reloaded the savefile (in fact, I hadn’t even manually saved yet) so while I’m not entirely sure how the game is constructed (and whether you are ever loading something from the hard drive save-file in-game) I don’t think save-games are the issue. I am also on the latest version, with both Ultimate Lib and Expansion Pack installed. I will attempt to message you in order to get in contact with you directly, but I thought I should reply to this topic in case this sheds light on the issue. If you have any questions, I’m here to try and be informative.
@Roguebantha We have updated GDT to 1.5.7. You might want to give it a try and tell us if the problem sill persists. There is also some issue(s) with UltimateLib that has been reported the last 2 days which I’m still investigating, so I can’t exclude it could be related to UltimateLib.
Kannst du mir ein Tipp geben wie ich das beheben kann ?