Robo’s World
your not gonna stop on tag mod are you?
so any possible release dates that we could know about?
Can i help please?
- When it will be aviliable?
- Can i be tester of this mod?
- no earlier than next year
- you can
Can I be a tester?
Anyone wants. Me too! Count me in!
i want to test it too please!!
Are you just playing with some desing program. Or are you programming this?
some assets i will make in photoshop and illustrator and programming in html5, javascript, jquery and css since this game allows that.
HUW MACH LONGAR!!! (plz me dieing)
at least 4 months
4 Months.
You can do fricken HL 3 in this time!
Or develop iPhone 7!
Or PS6.9!
Ah comeon… why do we need to wait…
Apple could just slap some stickers on an iPhone 5C and call it an 8.
Back on-topic
Imma just go cry in that corner over there and wait for this, and HL3.
…turns out they made it as wide as well
we’re all want to believe…I think I’ll want for Fallout 4 too…oh and a new game from GWG…or atleast a sequel to GDT