Why are you not making TAG Mod and are releasing mobile games? Well I’m still making it, but bills need paying and modding is out of my free time, which I have been having less and less lately…patience, I guess, is a virtue?
Where was I, ah yes, I released my first mobile game called Hot Lava, its pretty basic, you are Lava Girl and need to jump over a cliff…50 times to beat the game. (Android version Updated, update coming to IOS)
It’s not uber duper fast, but not so bad to not handle such simple (I guess) game.
LG Swift L3 II (Second Gen.) It has 1GB of RAM and 1.something GHz processor. (Still better than my mom’s PC)
Suggesion: Good game, better than Flappy Bird but perhaps earn coins from the tries and use those coins to buy a speed or jump boost. Which then every week there would be a new level with a different hot lava girl?
Just an idea.
Feedback: Hard to time the jumps, I want that picture xP. Is it just me or after every sucessful jump the bot increases speed the slightest bit?
I never really got into flappy bird but this - it is so simple to learn but I can’t seem to get past 4 and it is driving me nuts. I can see this game taking off if you can get it in front of enough people.
Thanks for paling! If your paling on IOS there is a major update coming soon. Android has a new version of it which is way more balanced and fun to play.