GDT latest update try's to load mods from mods folder from mods_ws

i don’t have it installed from workshop but it try’s to load from there

Your problem: I know you want to play multiplayer, but the multiplayer mod hasn’t been updated to include support with the 1.5.0 version. If you can, delete it from the mods folder. And why is there a mods_ws inside it?

urm what?
@FireChaos nvm, i derped out. trying to fix it myself by changing the code

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inside your mods folder, is there a dmultiplayer folder? and inside that dmultiplayer folder, a mods_ws folder?

You shouln’t be doing that.

mods_ws folder is under control of the Greenworks library and used for Steam Workshop synchronization. Ideally, you shouldn’t do anything in there :smiley:

And yes, the multiplayer mod must be updated to comply to the latest API changes.

@alphabit i’m not, just saying that in the error it was saying mods_ws was in the folder. i’m just trying to change the old loading method to the new one cause i want to test a plugin i made and don’t want to wait for darkly to update it

@FireChaos why not?

Do you have any experience in advanced modding? Did you ask @Darkly first?

@Rex0099 sry… didn’t mean to say that you were doing something in there, just saying “don’t do that” :stuck_out_tongue: You could fix the mod by yourself changing the loadJs, if that’s enough for the mod to run. But then, better wait for @darkly.

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If alphabit can take charge and @Darkly won’t yell at anyone, well, do anything you want, PM me if you are out of luck.

@alphabit thats what i am doing

@FireChaos don’t worry, i’m not releasing it without anyone’s permission, was only making it to use the new loading method


Guys, @Darkly clearly states in his “license” that he doesn’t give a shit if anyone modifies and dibstributes his code. He also writes that you dont even have to link to his topic, so I think he would be fine with people modifying his code.


Ehem. :green_heart: is what you mean.