Games that don't exist yet but you want to play!

Games that don’t exist yet but you want to play!

Title says it all: Games that don’t exist yet but you want to play!

Some games I would love to play:

  1. A story-driven starhip simulation adventure where you play the captain (who doesn’t want to play captain?)
    I imagine this to be part Bridge Commander, part Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and part FTL. Wouldn’t care if it is Star Trek or some new universe.
  2. An open world single player RPG game like Skyrim but set in a sci-fi universe. Fallout comes close but I’d like some high-tech sci-fi with space travel etc.
  3. A modern remake of Theme Hospital or some other simulation game with a lot of humor.
    I think chances are that, at some point, we will do something like this ourselves but the right concept hasn’t come along yet.
  4. More story-driven games (borderline Interactive Movies) like Heavy Rain (apart from the boring beginning that is).
  5. More (indie) tycoon and simulation games! No matter what topic I’ll probably try it as long as it isn’t pay-to-win or coin-driven.

What games are you just waiting for?


You mean a themepark simulation tyccon game with an big economy system and many creative potential for players?
And also many features like construction sites or logistics for food and souvenirs?

not specifically no. I mean Theme Park was fun but I liked Theme Hospital a lot more. Having said that Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 is pretty much the pinnacle of a theme park simulator and great fun.

There was a sort-of successor to Theme Hospital, called Hospital Tycoon, but it was nowhere near as funny. Nor anywhere near as fun,

Yes, I remember playing it but I didn’t like the 3D cartoony look and the focus on ‘The Sims’-style relationships. There was a similar game called ER (based on the tv series) which was also character-focused. I think Theme Hospital worked way better and was more fun.

@PatrickKlug: I’m currently work on the 1], full HTML5/JS (and some ASP.NET for server-side)

you’re working on a game like that?

Yup, but because i’m not graphist, the graphical part will be minimal (even more basic than FTL). So, will be closer of Top Table RPG , than a Simulation Game.

I you want more details, send me a PM.


I would really like to play again a modern version Car Tycoon!!! That game is simply excellent. I don’t know why, but the game crashes most of the time I try to play it in the 64 bits PC, maybe because it’s too old for our times. :confused:

@Forgedawn Have you seen Automation before? It’s a car tycoon game work-in-progress (very early by the looks of it) with a very heavy focus on technical aspects. It seems more of a simulator than ‘tycoon’ but I have not tried it myself. Maybe this is what you’re looking for.

I have been thinking about a Journalism/Newspaper Tycoon type game. I have vague memories of one about 10 years ago.
It would have to be indepth. Starting off writing for the schools newsletter or local paper and then moving up the ladder and making choices about your career along the way ie become a blogger, write for a national or international newspaper.
Time management would be very important, with so many hours dedicated to building the story and then so many in writing and editing. You can choose to investigate different avenues of the story.
This is something I would be most interested in.

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that sounds like a really good idea. The only game I’ve played which comes close to this is Mag!!! which is a German simulation game where you manage a gaming magazine. I don’t think that there ever was a English version. It also seems abandonware - Couldn’t find a single source for this old game.

I’ve often thought about making the game myself, but I haven’t got an ounce of programing talent.
So please hurry up and make it lol

@Patrick isnt it that?

yea, seems like it. I like @Tim’s idea better though. a more personal simulation game of a journalist would be fun.

That’s true @Tim if you are interested in programming you still can learn it. All you need is Endurance :smiley:

I loved Game Dev Tycoon! With the same graphic style and gameplay, I’d love a game where you start with your small restaurant, it was improving and hiring more cooks, and criticism in the newspapers, until the best restaurants of the game! I really love it, but as it is not on the list, I would also love the idea four and three!
Car Tycoon? The idea appeals to me! :slight_smile:

Google Translator - Do not blame me for the mistakes.

Restaurant Game:

Car Tycoon in Ugly :smiley: BUT it’s fun to play :stuck_out_tongue:

I played Kairosoft’s restaurant game. I think it’s one of the better Kairosoft titles.
The Car Tycoon game looks very obscure :slight_smile: nice find!

A TV channel tycoon could be very interesting and fun. You should have to manage amount of publicity and target audience with lots of possibilities for diversification. You could have a child channel or a News channel etc… would you follow the new trend of reality show or stay on a long term more “ethic” way. You should manage things like buying rights for sports games, quality of show, hiring very expensive but diva presentators etc…
And the huge transformation in that media during 1960-2010 could be fun too with hazard event like scandals and scoops :slight_smile: