Game World Studios [Official Topic]


Iā€™m not actually ranting. I didnā€™t say at all it sucks. I did, however speak my mind which is my opinion. I guess there is no freedom of speech here huh ? If no one can accept it then thatā€™s sad. I would be happy if someone gave me feedback, whether itā€™s good or bad. Why ? Because itā€™s going to help me in the long run. If this company canā€™t accept it then whatā€™s going to happen ?

Itā€™s different when it becomes an on-going thing.

So on-going feedback is bad ? Damn, never knew that was the case.

On-going non-constructive criticism is bad. Lets continue the conversation in a private message.

Everybody, lets all pipe down a bitā€¦ although, i agree it would be nice to see screenshots and proof of progress, but i think we all need to put down our pitchforks and torches, Itā€™s starting to turn into a flame war.

I donā€™t like this negative and aggressive atmosphere, which i have noticed is a lot more common than it used to be. Iā€™ve seen it a lot recently


please donā€™t post no-content topics. If you have a real update or progress to show feel free to post it in the one topic you had already created, otherwise your own forum is probably a better place to post this.