Game Dev Tycoon got the green light on Steam!

Valve has announced the next batch of games on Greenlight and Game Dev Tycoon made the list:

A big thanks to everyone who voted for Game Dev Tycoon on Steam!

We will publish more information about our plans for the Steam release in the coming days.



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Knew this would happen. Awesome game.
Really hope theres no difficulties getting the codes to those who purchased through the site, would be awesome to unlock the steam achievements for the game.

This game is fun but very frustrating. I’ll give it a try in 2-3 weeks again. If I still suck I will uninstall the game and that was it for me…I can spent my time with better things to do.

Hell yeah! Waiting for steam keys :wink: Voted long ago :slight_smile:

Great, now gog please!

What was the problem? I had no problem on my laptop with windows 8? I also didnt use the dumb windows 8 store, just used paypal

Can’t wait to play this on Steam. I much prefer playing games through Steam rather than a game client or Origin or anything else like that, Steam is where it’s at.

Uhm maybe a silly question, but when i buy it today or tomorrow i still get a steam key for free ? or will it be better to wait for your steam release ?

It specifically states that you get a steam key once its on there. Wish it would say gog,too!

Congrats on geenlight! :smile:

Congratulations on getting the GreenLight. It’s nice that your work is being recognized. I plan on buying the game, but I have a quick question. What would be your preference, to buy the game on steam or buy it from the site directly?

Also, I certainly hope you continue to expand the game, and listening to the customer feedback to make a product that will get the 10’s all game developers seek. :smile:

Did it get you out of your garage yet? =P


Nice one. :smiley: Now if we could just get this on GoG and the Mac app store then I think we could achieve TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION!

Did it get the green light on steam, or the green heart on steam?

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It was Greenlit on Steam, wtf is green heart?

If i buy from greenheart site full version will i get steam key?

What’s the name of this website again? I think it was the same name of the studio that made the game…

But you can’t green heart something on Steam. I’m guessing that was just a poor joke then.

Yes. They said that.